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「天時」抑或「地利 」?

發表於 2009-8-1 01:21:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
今次 (2009-07-22) 杭州見到日全食但上海完全看不到,怪在天氣。事後我做了小小统計,原來過往一千年內,杭州發生日全食的機會總比上海多三倍 ! 見下表:

(資料來源  http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/JSEX/JSEX-AS.html )

==== Hangzhou 杭州  30° 15' N  120° 10' E  Time Zone +8 hr

由公元 2100 年至 960 年 (北宋) 共發生日全食 10 次,日環食 4 次。

2009-Jul-22  T  09:36:55  55  5m19s
1849-Feb-23  A  08:42:10  25  2m03s
1842-Jul-08  T  16:18:56  33  3m00s
1763-Oct-07  T  06:58:48  13  2m48
1650-Oct-25  T  11:52:23  48  1m13s
1641-Nov-03  T  14:20:23  31  1m07s
1575-May-10  T  14:35:17  52  5m04s
1542-Aug-11  T  12:51:46  69  1m47s
1430-Aug-19  A  11:44:18  69  5m57s
1361-May-05  T  18:28:10  02  2m25s
1275-Jun-25  T  10:09:31  64  5m43s
1107-Dec-16  A  15:49:18  13  4m45s
1094-Mar-19  T  15:39:09  32  1m49s
1080-Dec-14  A  10:35:59  33  3m07s
888-Apr-15  A  11:47:37  71  4m05s

==== Shanghai 上海  31° 14' N  121° 28' E  Time Zone +8 hr

由公元 2100 年至 960 年 (北宋) 共發生日全食 3 次,日環食 6 次。

2009-Jul-22  T  09:39:17  57  5m00s
1987-Sep-23  A  10:06:31  51  2m43s
1802-Aug-28  A  16:09:15  28  3m12s
1731-Dec-29  A  07:34:11  07  0m14s
1575-May-10  T  14:37:33  51  2m09s
1275-Jun-25  T  10:13:06  66  4m08s
1107-Dec-16  A  15:49:47  12  3m09s
1080-Dec-14  A  10:40:23  32  8m14s
1069-Jul-21  A  08:05:59  37  0m23s
888-Apr-15   A  11:52:20  70  5m02s

對上兩次上海、杭州同時發生日全食的日子是 1575.05.10 (明代萬曆三年) 和 1275.06.25  (南宋不久便滅亡了),這兩年的歷史記載有


http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/127 ... 5%E6%97%A5%E9%A3%9F



[ 本帖最後由 mca 於 2009-8-2 12:51 編輯 ]
發表於 2009-8-1 02:32:58 | 顯示全部樓層
很詳細參考記錄, 天時、地利,真的缺一不可。
發表於 2009-8-1 02:35:24 | 顯示全部樓層

I think if you increase the time span to say 100,000 year, the two odds should become even?

 樓主| 發表於 2009-8-1 02:54:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Bill

Not really. I have traced up to -1499 (BCE) which is the earliest year NASA can predict with confidence. Here is the complete statistics I made (draft only, not yet tidy up)

由公元 2100 年 至 -1499 年 (商代) 杭州共發生日全食 15 次,日環食 15 次。
由公元 2100 年 至 -1499 年 上海共發生日全食 12 次,日環食 13 次。

No reliable date earlier than -1500 due to uncertainty of Earth's rotation odds.


[ 本帖最後由 mca 於 2009-8-1 03:09 編輯 ]
發表於 2009-8-1 04:00:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Alan,

It seems that when you used a longer time span, the odd ratio reduce to 15:12, which is very close to 50/50.

發表於 2009-8-1 11:34:54 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 1# 的帖子

Alan & Bill,
Maybe your research into these records solved what Ho Cham and I thought about deeply on our train to Hangzhou:
Why the IAU Eclipse expedition, led by Jay Pasachoff, should choose a location near Hangzhou instead of Tongling which is hot favorite (in statistics terms) for a better prospect of good weather.

Did Pasachoff really study these historical eclipse records?

發表於 2009-8-1 13:59:57 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 mca 於 2009-8-1 01:21 發表
今次 (2009-07-22) 杭州見到日全食但上海完全看不到,怪在天氣。事後我做了小小统計,原來過往一千年內,杭州發生日全食的機會總比上海多三倍 ! 見下表:

(資料來源  http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/JSEX/JSEX-AS.html )

= ...


發表於 2009-8-1 15:35:25 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi all,

It is misleading the chance of 見到日全食 with the no. of times a place falling into eclipse path.

We "SEE" eclipse through troposphere where clouds amount is a major concern.
That's why in every year's predictions, amount of clouds and rainfall distribution should be considered whenever a city/spot is selected for a better chance of success.

However, it is ONLY a prediction based on past records/statistics. Local weather change is out of control. There should be some kind of LUCK when you can SEE it.


發表於 2009-8-1 15:42:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 PTS 於 2009-8-1 11:34 發表
Alan & Bill,
Maybe your research into these records solved what Ho Cham and I thought about deeply on our train to Hangzhou:
Why the IAU Eclipse expedition, led by Jay Pasachoff, should choose a location near Hangzhou instead of Tongling which is hot favorite (in statistics terms) for a better prospect of good weather.

Did Pasachoff really study these historical eclipse records?

回看報導,當日並非整個杭州都見日全食,若果 Jay Pasachoff 真有咁神奇能力,在大約二年半 (2007年3月 ) 前就能夠從以往天氣數據,(及日食出現次數?),成功預見在全食期間這個細小雲罅在杭州西湖區域及杭州安吉天荒坪配水庫而不選擇銅陵市或者其它城市,他應該有能力事前選擇前往當日天氣更加理想的重慶市而非到安吉天荒坪。莫非 IAU 這次觀測主題是:《薄雲對日全食的影響》?

:杭州高級中學天文社 樓浚東 祝爾康 蔡婷妮 《2009中國日全食觀測點選址》內文報導當日杭州高級中學林嵐老師,帶 Jay Pasachoff 到他們平日常去觀星的天荒坪抽水蓄能電站參觀,及即時向江南天池渡假村訂房情況。

[ 本帖最後由 WCYue 於 2009-8-10 01:28 編輯 ]




發表於 2009-8-1 20:02:06 | 顯示全部樓層
anyway, I guess better to post this  finding before the trip.
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