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天文儀器 今日: 0|主題: 248|排名: 39 

作者 回復/查看 最後發表
WANTED: Used mini Computeried Mount or whole set (Got offer already) willis 2009-2-23 06355 willis 2009-2-23 22:33
About NexStar 8-SE willis 2009-2-15 76921 oldfield 2009-2-18 12:21
新手買望遠鏡問題 Timothy_健 2009-2-13 512603 nautilus 2009-2-21 21:53
反射鏡的光軸問題 vr2wof 2009-2-11 37199 Wales 2009-2-12 19:58
大家幫下我啦 ericp00059 2009-2-9 25797 C.L.Chan 2009-2-16 16:22
新手雙筒問題  ...2 love826 2009-2-8 1210462 willis 2009-2-8 23:20
Celestron Ultima 80 ED & Celestron Regal 80 F-ED willis 2009-2-4 47293 ericng 2009-2-8 10:43
Tests for the Canon DSLR's PTS 2009-1-26 05718 PTS 2009-1-26 17:23
Want to buy a Celestron telescope astrostars 2009-1-23 411048 willis 2009-2-2 22:01
徵求雙筒鏡 Wilson 2009-1-17 05334 Wilson 2009-1-17 11:29
Bosma 7X50 Wales 2009-1-14 06368 Wales 2009-1-14 20:43
Need help on telescope equipments songallery 2008-12-29 65253 oldfield 2009-1-5 10:30
想買数碼單鏡反光機影星座同星流跡 Eagle 2008-12-28 55936 songallery 2009-1-3 11:17
有關觀星器材問題~ patamon 2008-12-17 36999 BillYeung 2008-12-23 09:12
用Reflex lens影星掂唔掂呢? mike_leung 2008-12-12 06674 mike_leung 2008-12-12 16:20
邊度有得買太陽濾紙 Wales 2008-12-2 37116 astroQM 2009-1-29 11:57
學會儀器借用 Wales 2008-11-29 56142 Wales 2008-12-15 17:38
laser pointer Wilson 2008-11-29 511265 Wales 2008-12-6 21:20
徵求 Tele Vue Powermate 2.5X mca 2008-11-12 17890 WCYue 2009-2-13 01:16
Asus Eee PC oldfield 2008-10-29 26778 mca 2008-11-12 14:29
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