AAVSO Alert Notice 568
February 13, 2017
Nova in Scorpius - PNV J16521887-3754189
Event: Nova in Scorpius
Discovered by: Hideo Nishimura (Shizuoka-ken, Japan)
Discovery magnitude: magnitude 11.7 (CCD, unfiltered)
Discovery date: 2017 February 1.862 UT
Coordinates (2000.0): R.A. 16 52 18.87 Decl. -37 54 18.9 (from
discovery and VSX)
Spectra: Spectroscopy indicating that PNV J16521887-3754189 is an
He/N nova was obtained 2017 February 12.3 UT by J. Strader (Michigan
State Univ.) et al. (ATel #10071).
Observing recommendations: Observations of all types (visual, CCD,
DSLR, spectroscopy) and all bands as instrumentation permits are
strongly encouraged as the nova evolves.
Observations reported to the AAVSO:
2017 Jan. 30.868, 12.5 unfiltered CCD (Nishimura, via TOCP page);
Feb. 1.862, 11.7 CCD unfiltered (H. Nishimura, discovery);
2.857, 12.1 (Nishimura, via TOCP page);
6.836, 12.7 (Nishimura, via TOCP page);
10.7018 UT, 14.73 B (S. Kiyota, Kamagaya, Japan, remotely with
0.50-m f/4.5 CDK astrograph + FLI PL6303E at iTelescope.NET,
Siding Spring Observatory, NSW, Australia, via TOCP page);
10.7018, 14.10 V (Kiyota);
10.7018, 11.781 Rc (Kiyota);
10.7018, 12.48 Ic (Kiyota);
10.835, 12.6 unfiltered CCD (T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan, via TOCP page);
Charts: Charts with a comparison star sequence for PNV J16521887-3754189
may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP) at
https://www.aavso.org/vsp. Be sure to include the hyphen and space
in the name, as shown.
Submit observations: Please submit observations to the AAVSO
International Database using the name PNV J16521887-3754189. Once
a GCVS name is announced in an IAU Circular or CBET, please use
that name.
a. Designated PNV J16521887-37541890 when posted to the IAU Central
Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Transient Object Confirmation
Page (TOCP) at http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/unconf/tocp.html.
Most of the information in this Alert Notice is taken from
the TOCP page or ATel #10071
b. H. Nishimura reports nothing is visible at this location on
his frames taken before 2017 Jan. 25.872 UT.
c. Position end figures
- S. Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan, 2017 Feb. 10.7018 UT, remotely with
0.50-m f/4.5 CDK astrograph + FLI PL6303E at iTelescope.NET, Siding
Spring Observatory, NSW, Australia): 18.63s, 16.44".
- T. Noguchi (Chiba-ken, Japan, 2017 Feb. 10.835 UT): 18.66s, 16.7".
d. Nearby stars
- H. Nishimura notes in his discovery report that there is a red
star within several arc seconds of the nova.
- T. Noguchi (Chiba-ken, Japan) reports there is a star (mag. 15.9)
at same position on DSS (1995).
- P. Schmeer (Bischmisheim, Germany) reports that "the 'red star
within several arc seconds' is only about 0.3" from the positions
reported by S. Kiyota and T. Noguchi, respectively. Magnitudes for
this star from several catalogues: USNO-B1.0 0520-0568078 (R1= 15.04,
B2= 18.54, R2= 15.86, I= 12.46), GSC2.3 S8V6023335 (F= 16.30,
j= 20.16, V= 16.97, N= 13.14), 2MASS J16521864-3754166 (J= 10.282,
H= 9.104, K= 8.596), WISE J165218.64-375416.5 (W1= 8.437, W2= 8.399,
W3= 7.954, W4= 7.950)".
- P. Schmeer also notes the nova is only 6.7' north of miu2 Scorpii
(V= 3.6 mag).
e. Images
- S. Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan, 2017 Feb. 10.7018 UT, remotely with
0.50-m f/4.5 CDK astrograph + FLI PL6303E at iTelescope.NET, Siding
Spring Observatory, NSW, Australia):
- T. Noguchi (Chiba-ken, Japan, 2017 Feb. 10.835 UT):
Congratulations to Hideo Nishimura on his latest discovery!
This AAVSO Alert Notice was compiled by Elizabeth O. Waagen.
Information on submitting observations to the AAVSO may be found at:
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