我想問通常用dslr影星係咪多數用大光圈定焦/fisheye/廣角鏡?如果用單支長鏡300mm以上or macro鏡可以影星嗎? ...
riricky815 發表於 2012-5-3 19:22 
This all depends on what is your target.
If you want to take image of large sky area, like the Milkyway, large constellation (like Canis Major), etc. you will need a wide angle lens.
On the other hand, if you want to image small objects (by small I mean small in angular size, such as planets, etc) then you will need a lens with very long focus.
Surely any lens will be useful, depending on your target object. A 300mm lens will be good for small constellations, large nebula (such as M42).
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