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June 6 "The Longest Day" 碧血長天

發表於 2010-6-6 21:41:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 mca 於 2010-6-6 23:14 編輯

天文上 6 月 21 日是夏至日,在北半球這天,白天最長,the longest day (the longest daytime).

對第二次世界大戰的歐美士兵來說,1944 年的 6 月  6 日是 The Longest Day,這天盟軍在法國 Normandy 登陸反攻希特拉,雙方傷亡慘重,是 WW II 最淒慘之戰役。(未經戰火洗禮的一代,特別是 HK 80 後青年,看 「雷霆救兵」電影開始的戰火鏡頭更易體會)

The Longest Day,港譯「碧血長天」, 特別以黑白攝製,62 年公影,是奧斯卡得獎電影,同名主題曲由流行歌手 Paul Anka 作曲及主唱。

Many men came here as soldiers
Many men will pass this way
Many men will count the hours
As they live the longest day
Many men are tired and weary
Many men are here to stay
Many men won't see the sunset
When it ends the longest day
The longest day the longest day
This will be the longest day
Filled with hopes and filled with fears
Filled with blood and sweat and tears
Many men the mighty thousands
Many men to victory
Marching on right into battle
In the longest day in history

「碧血長天」 除了把軍隊規模、戰爭的狀況拍攝得淋漓盡致外,也演繹了大戰時的無奈,如聯軍作戰時死傷遍怖,有不少士兵失掉武器,而軍官卻對他們說,這裏只有兩種人,一種是已死的人,一種是將要死的人,並命他們取去死去士兵的武器,繼續作戰。
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