樓主: iheby

收‧雜‧呈‧報 2016

 樓主| 發表於 2016-11-28 10:53:27 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-12-4 11:16 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-10-31 10:26
{FB} 2016年10月號 天文 @華僑報

{FB} 2016年11月號 天文 @華僑報

  • ●十二月天象 - 建燁
  • ●夜空之虹 - 不動明王
  • ●目前最大的太空望遠鏡建造完成 - 李仕卿
  • ●路邊天文暨全澳天文望遠鏡展覽

出版:華僑報 副刊 天文


取消】2016.11.26 觀天會『淡水湖畔賞星空,星空漫遊初冬夜』因天氣欠佳取消


已刊登及更新  發表於 2016-11-28 23:50
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本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-12-4 11:17 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-11-8 01:02
{FB} 月球導賞 @澳門大學天文學會

{FB} 校園街頭觀星 @澳門大學天文學會


時間:2016.11.29(二) 22:00 ~ 22:30



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 樓主| 發表於 2016-11-28 15:45:44 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-12-11 23:02 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-11-19 17:52
我們的宇宙 - 只有人類一種高智慧生物存在嗎?【重播】@TVB

我們的宇宙 - 在時空上的位置【重播】@TVB


Human Universe - A Place in Time and Space 
時間:2016.12.03(六) 14:55 ~ 16:00 
頻道:TVB CH084 Pearl 
主持:Brian Cox

iheby 發表於 2016-11-19 17:52
細說科幻史 - 宇宙探險 @TVB

細說科幻史 - 宇宙探險【重播】@TVB

從「科幻小說之父」──著名法國作家Jules Verne筆下飛越外太空的故事,以至近月強勢回歸、堪稱影壇經典的《星球大戰》系列和科幻片鉅作《阿凡達》,節目都會為你一一詳細解說。在《星空奇遇記》飾演星際艦隊中校Lt. Uhura的Nichelle Nichols更會現身,與觀眾分享她參加美國太空總署(NASA)太空人招募時的體驗。

時間:2016.12.05(一) 01:15 ~ 02:10 
頻道:TVB CH084 Pearl


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本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-11-30 22:01 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-11-10 22:02
廣義相對論 - 百年觀點與規範結構  @香港中文大學物理系

Ia型超新星的合成核、捕獲電子型超新星的流體動力學模擬及其合成核  @香港中文大學物理系

Seminar:- Hydrodynamics Simulations and Nucleosynthesis of Type Ia Supernovae and Electron-capture Supernovae 
In the first part of the talk, the speaker will present updates on Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) and their nucleosynthesis. He carry out multi-dimensional simulations of SNIa using the turbulent deflagration models with delayed detonation transition. By spanning the physics parameters of SNIa, a database of the nucleosynthesis data for SNIa is built. Based on the database, we can predict the progenitor properties of some well observed SNIa or their remnants. The influence of our SNIa models to the galactic chemical enrichment process is also discussed.
In the second part of the talk, the speaker will cover the hydrodynamics simulations and nucleosynthesis of electron-capture supernova. A main-sequence star of mass 8 – 10 solar mass evolves to form a degenerate oxygen-neon-magnesium (ONeMg) core. The subsequent electron capture in the core triggers the oxygen-neon deflagration. However, it is unclear whether such explosion can disrupt the ONeMg core or lead to the collapse, which forms a neutron star. The speaker carry out multi-dimensional hydrodynamics simulations for the ONeMg core using the turbulent deflagration model. He will discuss the conditions for the onset of collapse and will present also the chemical signature for the models which fail to collapse.
時間:2016.11.30(三) 15:30 ~ 16:15 
地點:香港中文大學 科學館北座LG23 
講者:梁成志 博士 Dr. Shing Chi LEUNG (日本 東京大學 Kavli宇宙數學與物理研究機構) 



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 樓主| 發表於 2016-12-2 21:30:05 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 iheby 於 2017-1-9 14:42 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-11-30 10:20
Ia型超新星的合成核、捕獲電子型超新星的流體動力學模擬及其合成核  @香港中文大學物理系

一旋等距同構在3+1維度洛倫茲愛因斯坦流形 @香港科技大學高等研究院
SEMINAR:- On 3+1 Lorentzian Einstein Manifolds with One Rotational Isometry 
Differentiable manifolds whose Ricci curvature is proportional to the metric are called Einstein manifolds. Such manifolds have been central objects of study in differential geometry and Einstein's theory for general relativity, with some strong recent results. 
In this talk, the speaker shall focus on positively curved 3+1 Lorentzian Einstein manifolds with one spacelike rotational isometry. After performing the dimensional reduction to a 2+1 dimensional Einstein’s equations coupled to ‘shifted’ wave maps, the speaker shall prove two explicit positive mass theorems: i) for CMC slices in expanding region, and ii) for maximal slices in stationary region. 
時間:2016.12.13(二) 15:00 ~ 16:30 
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓4樓 高研院4042室 
講者:Dr Nishanth Gudapati (Yale University) 

多模開放弦與多分枝勢 @香港科技大學高等研究院
SEMINAR:- Open String Moduli and Multi-branched Potentials 
In this talk we consider type II string compactifications on Calabi-Yau orientifolds with fluxes and D-branes and analyse the F-term scalar potential that simultaneously involves closed and open string modes. We focus on the cases of type IIA orientifolds with D6-branes and type IIB orientifolds with D7-branes. In type IIA models with D6-branes this potential can be directly computed by integrating out Minkowski three-forms showing therefore a multi-branched structure along the space of lifted open string moduli in which discrete shifts of brane moduli are compensated by changes in the RR flux quanta. To obtain the correct form of the scalar potential we find strong constraints on the Kähler potential implying some interesting no-scale relations obeyed by the Kähler metric. Importantly the addition of open string moduli breaks the factorisation between complex structure and Kähler moduli spaces. We conclude by discussing the mirror dual picture of type IIB flux compactifications with D7-brane Wilson lines. 
時間:2016.12.13(二) 14:00 
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓2樓 高研院2042室 
講者:Dr Gianluca Zoccarato (香港科技大學高等研究院) 

從模擬大型強子對撞機黑洞事件為大額外維度設限 @香港科技大學高等研究院
SEMINAR:- Bounds on Large Extra Dimensions from the Simulation of Black Hole Events at the LHC 
Large extra dimensions were originally proposed to solve the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. The presence of large extra dimensions dilutes gravity, lowering the Planck scale. If large extra dimensions exist and they are large enough, the Planck scale may be as low as a few TeV’s, so that the hierarchy problem is solved. A smaller Planck scale will bring about numerous phenomenological consequences; in particular, microscopic black holes may be produced in high-energy particle collisions at this energy scale. The decay of black holes, via the Hawking effect, into elementary particles enables the detection of the black hole events, which can be used to infer the existence of large extra dimensions. In this talk, the speaker will present the simulation of microscopic black hole formation at the Large Hadron Collider with the black hole event generator CATFISH, and comparison on the simulation results with the experimental data published by the Compact Muon Solenoid collaboration in 2013 at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV. The absence of observed black hole events in the experimental data allows researchers to set lower bounds on the Planck scale and black hole masses for a number (3 - 6) of large extra dimensions. He will also introduce the physics of microscopic black holes and present the various bounds related to the black hole physics. 
時間:2016.12.02(五) 16:00 ~ 17:00
地點:香港中文大學 科學館L2演講廳 
講者:侯紹齊 博士 Dr Shaoqi Hou (中國武漢華中科技大學) 


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 樓主| 發表於 2016-12-4 11:37:47 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 iheby 於 2017-1-9 14:40 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-11-28 15:45
我們的宇宙 - 在時空上的位置 (重播) @TVB

我們的宇宙 - 將來會是何樣?【重播】@TVB


Human Universe - What is our Future? 
時間:2016.12.10(六) 14:55 ~ 16:00 
頻道:TVB CH084 Pearl 
主持:Brian Cox

細說科幻史 - 入侵者外星人 (重播) @TVB

The Real History of Science Fiction - Invasion

本集主題是「外星人」。我們把對外星生命的想像和恐懼投射在科幻作品內,從英國小說家HG Wells於1989年發表的《世界大戰》,以至《天煞──地球反擊戰》、《黑超特警組》、《D-9異形禁區》等電影,都不乏人類與外星人的「第一次接觸」。節目請來英國電視史上長壽科幻電視劇《異世奇人》中飾演第十任「博士」的David Tennant,為觀眾親身解說劇中外星人Daleks和機械人Cybermen兩個角色的魅力之處,特效專家Phil Tippett更會分享製作《侏羅紀公園》時,如何把栩栩如生的恐龍呈現於大銀幕上。 

時間:2016.12.12(一) 01:25 ~ 02:20 
頻道:TVB CH084 Pearl


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 樓主| 發表於 2016-12-6 15:09:00 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-12-20 21:09 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-11-22 23:59
歐洲太空總署的火星計劃 @新城電台

宇宙狂熱 - 這個冬季的亮星 @新城電台

時間:2016.11.29(二) 01:00 ~ 01:30
頻道:新城 知訊台 及 財經台
嘉賓:許浩強 (可觀自然教育中心暨天文館)


宇宙狂熱 - 彗星 @新城電台

時間:2016.12.06(二) 01:00 ~ 01:30
頻道:新城 知訊台 及 財經台
嘉賓:許浩強 (可觀自然教育中心暨天文館)


{FB} 宇宙狂熱 - 鮑國全 影月情 @新城電台


時間:2016.12.06(二) 01:30 ~ 03:00
頻道:新城 知訊台 及 財經台
  • 鮑國全 (坐井會)
  • Huey 彭栩怡 (天文匯)


宇宙狂熱 - 雙子座流星雨 @新城電台

時間:2016.12.13(二) 01:00 ~ 01:30
頻道:新城 知訊台 及 財經台
嘉賓:許浩強 (可觀自然教育中心暨天文館)



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本文章最後由 iheby 於 2017-1-9 14:41 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-11-28 11:16
{FB} 校園街頭觀星 @澳門大學天文學會

{FB}「冬星」戶外觀星考察營 @澳門大學天文學會


時間:2016.12.22(四)15:00 ~ 2016.12.23(五) 11:00



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 樓主| 發表於 2016-12-6 23:20:48 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 iheby 於 2017-1-9 14:41 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-11-22 23:14
{FB} 天文科學之夜 - 你的地球很危險? @可觀自然教育中心暨天文館

{FB} 雙子座流星雨路邊天文 @可觀自然教育中心暨天文館


時間:2016.12.10(六) 20:30 ~ 23:30



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 樓主| 發表於 2016-12-9 16:07:17 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 iheby 於 2017-1-9 14:42 編輯
iheby 發表於 2016-11-28 10:35
座落於墨西哥的HAWC伽馬射線天文台 @香港大學物理學系

首度應用重力透鏡稱超大質量黑洞 @香港大學物理學系
SEMINAR of RPg Student:- First Application of Gravitational Lensing to Weigh a Supermassive Black Hole 
Our limited ability to determine the masses of central supermassive black holes (SMBHs) constrains our understanding of their growth over cosmic times. Direct and hence the most reliable measurements using stellar and gas dynamics are limited to distances up to the Virgo cluster. Here, we employ gravitational lensing to directly determine, for the first time, the mass of a SMBH at z=0.54, located in the BCG of the cluster MACS1149. One of the background galaxies multiply-lensed by this cluster is that of a highly magnified spiral galaxy at z=1.49. In the lensed image closest to the BCG, a feature in this galaxy is lensed across the critical curve of a central point mass. We deduce a mass for this SMBH of ~5x10^9Msolar, offset from the centre of the BCG by 3.8±0.8kpc . The mass of this SMBH is in rough accord with the local relationship between the masses of central SMBHs and their host galaxies. The offset of the SMBH from the centre of the BCG can be explained by the “rocket effect” due to the coalescence of two SMBHs about ~3x10^7yrs ago, imparting a kick with a velocity of 300km/s on the resulting SMBH. Our work demonstrates the potential of using gravitational lensing to study SMBHs at intermediate redshifts, especially when even deeper lensing images at higher angular resolutions become available. 
時間:2016.12.15(四) 14:15 
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓518室 
講者:Ms. Cuncheng CHEN (香港大學) 



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