樓主: iheby

收‧雜‧呈‧報 2017

 樓主| 發表於 2017-8-9 22:42:04 | 顯示全部樓層
行星遙感與測繪國際研討會2017 @香港理工學大學 土地測量及地理資訊學系 & ISPRS

The Symposium is one of the major events in the international community of Planetary Remote Sensing and Exploration in 2017. It provides an interdisciplinary forum to gather leading scientists and researchers from different countries and organizations to present the latest research and developments from the recent missions exploring the Moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies.

◎Session 6: Lunar Craters and Crater Detection
●Automatic Detection of Secondary Craters and Mapping of Planetary Surface Age Based on Lunar Orbital Images
時間:2017.08.15(二) 14:30 ~ 14:55
●Automatic Detection and Recognition of Craters Based on the Spectral Features of Lunar Rocks and Minerals
時間:2017.08.15(二) 14:55 ~ 15:20
●Automatic Extraction of Lunar Craters Based on Topographic Features
時間:2017.08.15(二) 15:20~ 15:45
●Small Craters and Their Diagnostic Potential
時間:2017.08.15(二) 15:45~ 16:10
●A Chang'E Global Catalog of Lunar Impact Craters
時間:2017.08.15(二) 16:30~ 16:55
●A Bayesian Network Framework for Automatic Detection of Lunar Impact Craters Based on Optical Images and DEM Data
時間:2017.08.15(二) 16:55~ 17:20
●Quantifying the Phase Angle Dependence of Impact Crater Visibility in Planetary Mapping
時間:2017.08.15(二) 17:20~ 17:45

地點:香港理工大學 Z210

◎Session 7: Reference Systems of Celestial Bodies
●An Initiative for Construction of New-Generation Lunar Global Control Network Using Multi-Mission Data
時間:2017.08.16(三) 09:00 ~ 09:25
●Height Systems for Telluric Planets
時間:2017.08.16(三) 09:25 ~ 09:50
●Enceladus Geodetic Framework
時間:2017.08.16(三) 09:50 ~ 10:15

地點:香港理工大學 Z208

◎Session 8: Planetary Remote Sensing Data Fusion
●Fusion of Multi-Scale DEMs from Descent and Navcm Images of Chang’E-3 Using Compressed Sensing Method
時間:2017.08.16(三) 10:35 ~ 11:00
●High Precision Co-Registration of Lunar Images and Digital Terrain Models Constrained by both Geometric and Photometric Information
時間:2017.08.16(三) 11:00 ~ 11:25
●Accurate Registration of the Chang’E-1 IIM Data Based on LROC-WAC Mosaic Data
時間:2017.08.16(三) 11:25 ~ 11:50

地點:香港理工大學 Z208

◎Session 9: Planetary Geology and Science
●An Investigation of the Hypotheses for Formation of the Platy-RidgedPolygonized Terrain in Elysium Planitia, Mars
時間:2017.08.16(三) 09:00 ~ 09:25
●Elemental and Topographic Mapping of Lava Flowstructures in Mare Serenitatis on the Moon
時間:2017.08.16(三) 09:25 ~ 09:50
●Retrieval of Mineral Abundances of the Delta Region in Eberswalde, Mars
時間:2017.08.16(三) 09:50 ~ 10:15
●The Development of 3D Sub-Surface Mapping Scheme and Its Application to Martian Lobate Debris Aprons
時間:2017.08.16(三) 10:35 ~ 11:00
●Spectral Unmixing Based Construction of Lunar Mineral Abundance Maps
時間:2017.08.16(三) 11:00 ~ 11:25
●Comparative Study of Lunar Roughness from Multi-Source Data
時間:2017.08.16(三) 11:25 ~ 11:50

地點:香港理工大學 Z210


 樓主| 發表於 2017-8-12 09:46:36 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 iheby 於 2017-8-12 10:31 編輯

{FB} 《星海璇璣》新書分享會 @花千樹出版

「上下四方曰宇,往古來今曰宙。」 宇宙二字,包羅萬有。從宇宙的誕生至人類的起源,當中奧妙處何止千萬。愛因斯坦卻說:「宇宙最不可理解之事,是它竟然可被理解。」一語道盡宇宙之深邃。先賢在星空下思索數千載,匯百川而成現今之天文學。

時間:2017.09.10(日) 17:00 ~ 19:00
地點:九龍尖沙咀彌敦道132號美麗華廣場一期低層地下 尖沙咀圖書中心

 樓主| 發表於 2017-8-26 11:52:47 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 iheby 於 2017-8-26 12:10 編輯

{FB} 南半球星空拍攝 @影藝工房

時間:2017.08.26(六) 14:30 ~ 16:45
地點:中環干諾道中1號友邦金融中心 Sky Lobby
講者:鄭冠康 (不動明王)

 樓主| 發表於 2017-8-29 01:08:42 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 iheby 於 2017-8-29 01:16 編輯
iheby 發表於 2017-7-8 11:09
毫秒X光脈衝星 - 15年觀測研究進程 @香港大學物理系

Seminar:- Millisecond X-ray Pulsars: 15 Years of  ...

雙黑洞合併下原初黑洞能成為暗物質理論研究 @香港大學物理系

Seminar of RPg Student:- Could Primordial Black Holes Be Dark Matter Theoretical Study on the Binary Merger Scenario

Although Dark Matter (DM) has been widely accepted as constituting around a quarter of the energy-mass content of the universe, the actual form of DM has not been resolved. While proposed particle DM candidates, such as Weak Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP), have been evading detection, the other candidate, primordial black holes (PBHs), has gained popularity kindled by the recent gravitational wave (GW) detection by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (aLIGO). Two of the three confirmed detections in 2015 and 2017 feature binary black hole (BH) components of mass around 30 solar mass, which is unexpected for stellar BHs formed from dying stars, which usually have mass on the order of 1 solar mass. PBHs, on the other hand, are formed from collapsed density fluctuations in the infant days of the universe, thus have broader mass range, suggesting itself as the possible source of the GW signals. Then it becomes very intriguing why these heavy PBHs are so frequently detected in GW. One possibility is that PBH might constitute some or all of DM. This research project would try to explore such possibility by investigating the binary BH merger scenario, the specific process that offered us the inspiration. 
時間:2017.08.29(二) 13:15
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室
講者:Yuan GAO (香港大學)


脈衝星的光譜變化研究 @香港大學物理系

Seminar of RPg Student:- Study Spectral Variations of Glitching Pulsars

Pulsars are highly magnetized rotating neutron stars and radiate beams of emission that are observed as pulses when they sweep across the Earth. Their signature pulse shapes are so stable that high-precision studies of their rotation are possible. Often, pulsar timing can be predicted with a very simple model over many years with an accuracy of a few microseconds, or better. This accuracy provides us great chance to detect and measure very small perturbations embedded in the normal rotation of the star, and further extract information about processes inside and outside the pulsar. The differences of predicted arrival times of pulses and actual arrival times are known as pulsar timing residuals. If the timing model is perfect, timing residuals would be dominated by random measurement errors. Most common feature observed in the timing residuals is spin-down irregularities. Glitch as a main type of timing irregularity is characterized by a sudden increase in rotation rate followed by a period of relaxation, and mostly identified in the radio emission. Although glitches are very common in pulsars, a clear interpretation of this phenomenon is still missing. Here we choose several gamma-ray pulsars and analyze their high-energy emission before and after glitches. Through a comparison of flux, spectrum and pulse shape, we try to discuss the possible scenario of glitch. 
時間:2017.08.29(二) 14:30
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓518室
講者:Jun TIAN (香港大學)


冷遠的火星形成 @香港大學物理系及地球科學系

Seminar:- The Cool and Distant Formation of Mars

Bulk elemental and isotopic data for martian meteorites demonstrate that key aspects of Mars’ composition are markedly different from that of Earth. This suggests that Mars formed outside of the terrestrial feeding zone. It is therefore probable that Mars always remained significantly farther from the Sun than Earth; its growth was stunted early and its mass remained relatively low. Here we show a robust dynamical pathway that forms and keeps Mars outside of Earth’s accretion zone while at the same time accounting for strict age and compositional constraints, and mass differences. This scenario suggests that Mars’ volatile budget is different from Earth’s and predicts that Venus formed close enough to our planet that it is expected to have similar composition, including the oxygen isotopes. 
時間:2017.08.29(二) 16:00
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室
講者:Prof. Ramon Brasser (東京工業大學 地球生命研究所)

 樓主| 發表於 2017-9-2 17:05:00 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 iheby 於 2017-9-2 18:00 編輯
iheby 發表於 2017-7-1 11:43
兒童書籍介紹:宇宙探秘 @香港公共圖書館

兒童書籍介紹:宇宙的奧秘 @香港公共圖書館

日期:2017.09.01(五) ~ 2017.09.30(六)

兒童書籍介紹:遨遊宇宙 @香港公共圖書館

日期:2017.09.01(五) ~ 2017.09.30(六)

兒童書籍介紹:宇宙歷險 @香港公共圖書館

日期:2017.09.16(六) ~ 2017.09.30(六)

兒童書籍介紹:太空漫遊 @香港公共圖書館

日期:2017.09.16(六) ~ 2017.09.30(六)

月月讀書樂:太空漫遊 @香港公共圖書館


時間:2017.09.23(六) 15:00 ~ 16:00

月月讀書樂:宇宙探險 @香港公共圖書館


時間:2017.09.16(六) 14:30 ~ 15:30

月月讀書樂:小小天文學家 @香港公共圖書館


時間:2017.09.09(六) 10:00 ~ 11:00
 樓主| 發表於 2017-9-2 17:13:23 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 iheby 於 2017-9-2 18:05 編輯
iheby 發表於 2017-9-2 17:05
兒童書籍介紹:宇宙的奧秘 @香港公共圖書館

兒童書籍介紹:天文解碼 @香港公共圖書館

日期:2017.10.01(日) ~ 2017.10.31(二)

兒童書籍介紹:星空奇遇記 @香港公共圖書館

日期:2017.10.01(日) ~ 2017.10.31(二)

兒童書籍介紹:神秘的宇宙 @香港公共圖書館

日期:2017.10.01(日) ~ 2017.10.31(二)

兒童書籍介紹:宇宙漫遊 @香港公共圖書館

日期:2017.10.16(一) ~ 2017.10.31(二)

青少年書籍介紹:航天發展多面睇 @香港公共圖書館

日期:2017.10.01(日) ~ 2017.10.31(二)
地點:香港中央圖書館 - 青少年圖書館

月月讀書樂:太空奧秘 @香港公共圖書館


時間:2017.10.14(六) 11:30 ~ 12:30
 樓主| 發表於 2017-9-2 18:53:00 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 iheby 於 2017-9-2 18:56 編輯

{FB} 不動明王星空攝影體驗 @天祥&Pentax


時間:2017.09.14(四) 19:00 ~ 23:00
集合:@天祥攝影iSquare總店 (免費旅遊巴士接送)
解散:@天祥攝影iSquare總店 (免費旅遊巴士接送)

 樓主| 發表於 2017-9-6 21:44:49 | 顯示全部樓層
iheby 發表於 2017-5-28 15:32
前住字宙邊緣之旅 @香港資優教育學苑

蔚藍天際和漆黑夜空之外,究竟還有甚麼? 本課程透過天文儀器及互動 ...

太陽系新貌 - 由地球到第九行星 @香港資優教育學苑


  ●2017.12.23(六) 14:00 ~ 17:00
  ●2017.12.30(六) 14:00 ~ 17:00
地點:香港新界沙田沙角邨 香港資優教育學苑

  ●2017.12.23(六) 18:00 ~ 21:00
  ●2017.12.30(六) 18:00 ~ 21:00
地點:新界大埔大發街 大埔海濱公園

  ●梁達榮 老師 (星河科研社)
  ●黃麗瑩 老師 (星河科研社)
對象:小四至小六 學苑學員

 樓主| 發表於 2017-9-6 23:26:30 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 iheby 於 2017-9-14 01:07 編輯

霍金天才教室 - 宇宙是怎樣形成? @TVB Pearl


  ●2017.09.13(三) 21:35 ~ 22:35
  ●2017.09.14(四) 02:00 ~ 02:55 (重播)
頻道:TVB 明珠台 CH084

霍金天才教室 - 我們能穿越時間嗎? @TVB Pearl


  ●2017.09.20(三) 21:35 ~ 22:35
  ●2017.09.21(四) 02:00 ~ 02:55 (重播)
頻道:TVB 明珠台 CH084
 樓主| 發表於 2017-9-8 22:47:08 | 顯示全部樓層
{FB} 無冷氣夜 - 海濱天文活動 @可觀自然教育中心暨天文館


時間:2017.09.29(五) 19:30 ~ 21:00
地點:中西區海濱長廊 中環段 近添馬公園

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