日 期 時 間 P 恆星 Sp Mag Mag % Elon Sun Moon CA PA VA AA
年 月 日 時 分 秒 編號 D v r V ill Alt Alt Az o o o o
16 Sep 3 19 37 43.1 D 1772cA2 3.9 3.9s 4+ 23 3 268 80S 121 53 96
R1772 = Zaniah = eta Virginis = 左執法
1772 is double: AB 3.9 5.9 0.12" 181.4, dT = +0.12sec
1772 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
1772 = NSV 5555, 3.86 to 3.93, V
16 Sep 21 22 56 31.3 r 635cG8 3.7 3.1s 69- 113 9 77 85S 258 327 267
R635 = Hyadum I = gamma Tauri = 畢宿四
635 is double: AB 3.7 0.40" 179.0, dT = -0.13sec
635 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
635 = NSV 1553, 3.60 to 3.67, V
16 Sep 22 03 29 59.4 r 667cK2 5.0 4.4 68- 111 71 104 78N 275 345 284
R667 = 75 Tauri
667 is double: AB 5.0 30.0, dT = 0.00sec
16 Sep 22 04 30 18.9 R 677WA6 4.8 4.7S 67- 110 82 141 34S 208 245 216
677 is double: AB 4.8 6.5 254" 130.0, dT = -226sec
677 = NSV 1627, 4.78, , Type DSCT:
16 Sep 22 06 59 12.7 D 692SK5 0.9 0.1v 67- 109 10 60 265 -61S 113 39 121
R692 = Aldebaran = alpha Tauri = 畢宿五
692 is multiple: AB 0.9 13.6 32" 113.3, dT = +94sec : AE 0.9 12.0 37" 321.7, dT = -96sec : AC 0.9 11.3 131" 31.9, dT = +63sec : AF 0.9 13.6 253" 120.5, dT = +747sec
692 = alf Tau, 0.86 to 0.89, V, Type LB:
16 Sep 22 08 9 45.1 R 692SK5 0.9 0.1v 66- 109 26 44 272 63S 237 162 245
R692 = Aldebaran = alpha Tauri = 畢宿五
692 is multiple: AB 0.9 13.6 32" 113.3, dT = +46sec : AE 0.9 12.0 37" 321.7, dT = -9sec : AC 0.9 11.3 131" 31.9, dT = +315sec : AF 0.9 13.6 253" 120.5, dT = +297sec
692 = alf Tau, 0.86 to 0.89, V, Type LB:
16 Sep 23 00 57 30.3 r 806SF8 5.0 4.7v 57- 98 24 80 11S 188 261 191
R806 = 111 Tauri =
806 is triple: AB 5.1 8.8 108" 270.9, dT = -74sec : AC 5.1 7.9 705" 252.0, dT = -1712sec
806 = V1119 Tau, 4.98 to 5.02, V, Type BY, Period 3.6499 days, Phase 18 %
16 Sep 23 02 49 54.9 r 814SB5 5.4 5.5 57- 98 49 88 63N 295 12 298
R814 = 115 Tauri =
814 is quadruple: Aa,Ab 5.8 6.8 0.045" 292.3, dT = -0.14sec : AC 5.4 11.8 10.1" 346.9, dT = -19sec : AB 5.4 10.1 10.3" 304.7, dT = -31sec
814 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
16 Sep 28 05 11 54 Gr 1486dK4 4.4 3.6 9- 35 19 ** GRAZE: CA -5.8S; Dist. 62km in az. 175deg. [Lat = 21.82+0.09(E.Long-114.17)]
16 Sep 28 05 21 7.1 R 1486dK4 4.4 3.6 9- 35 22 88 10S 209 278 186
R1486 = 31 Leonis = A Leonis = 軒轅十七
1486 is double: AB 4.4 13.6 8.0" 40.9, dT = +68sec
1486 is a close double. Observations are highly desired