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冥王星的 Q&A

發表於 2015-9-5 13:32:18 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本文章最後由 mca 於 2015-9-6 00:07 編輯

冥王星的 Q&A

What has amazed each of you about the New Horizons data? (3:10)

What could be replenishing Pluto's atmosphere? (5:50)

Could internal heat from Pluto be contributing to its geological changes and if so, what is its source? (10:10)

Why don't we see as many craters on Pluto? (11:25)

What would it be like to ice-skate on Pluto? (13:25)

Could Pluto and its moon Charon have formed at a later date than the rest of the solar system? (15:45)

What will the New Horizons mission be able to tell us about other objects in the outer solar system? (17:30)

How can studying Pluto tell us about the origins of Earth and the inner solar system? (20:55)

Since Pluto is so seasonal is it possible that the Tombaugh Regio region would ever disappear? (22:15)

What data about Pluto are you eagerly awaiting? (26:40)

Just how different is Pluto's geology from earth? (28:50)

http://www.skyandtelescope.com/a ... 81010&rid=246425201

美國新視野號探測器 (http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/ ) 在今年 7 月掠過冥王星時所見,冥王星被冰態的氮、甲烷和一氧化碳覆蓋,陽光把氮電離形成極稀薄的氮離子大氣層。表面有一個廣寬的心形冰封平原 (下圖),已命名為 Tombaugh Rigio,平原上沒有碰撞坑,但有冰川流動的痕跡,這意味冥王星仍然有地質活動,估計心形平原形成不超過 1 億年,相對 46 億年的地球年齡算是十分年輕了。近赤道處有三千多米高的結冰山脈,體內可能有一層水冰,再下一層是岩石,整體的平均密度約 2 g / cc

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