本帖最後由 Astrosing 於 2012-12-9 20:53 編輯
題 目:以廣義朗之萬方程描述相對論性吸積盤中的隨機振動
簡介: In this presentation, we consider a description of the stochastic oscillations of the general relativistic accretion disks around compact astrophysical objects based on the generalized Langevin equation, which accounts for the general retarded effects of the frictional force, and on the fluctuation dissipation theorems. The vertical displacements, velocities and luminosities of the stochastically perturbed disks are explicitly obtained for both the Schwarzschild and the Kerr cases.
主 持: 梁振聲博士
日 期: 2012年12月12日(星期三)
時 間: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00p.m.
語言 : 中文
地 點: 香港天文學會辦事處 (九龍牛頭角創業街36號 華基中心610 室 )
費 用: 港幣十元 (作學會辦事處日常運作開支,如水電費等。)
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