本帖最後由 mca 於 2010-3-1 22:02 編輯
Hi Edwin,
The light path in a RC-telescope is simply same as a classical Cassegrain telescope, their only differences are the mirror curvatures and their separations. In practice, a set of equations (the so called "Schwartzchild’s equations") are given to the RC system designers. You can find these equations in Chapter 21 of the popular book “Telescope Optics” by Rutten & van Venrooij. Basically there are 2 equations for RC telescopes. By setting two parameters (“A“ &“B”) in the equations to zero, the coma and spherical aberration are theoretically eliminated and thus we have a RC.
For simple introduction without going to the design equations, you may refer to
A Cassegrain Primer
(The author is R F. Royce. He also produces excellent mirrors by handcraft, and I am in fact one of his customers.)
Basics for Conics, please read HYPERBOLA Section)
X-ray optics
http://www.x-ray-optics.de/index ... emid=71&lang=en
Hope above helps as I am not a mirror professional.
Alan Chu |