Aperture 106mm
Focal Length 690mm
Focal Ratio F6.5
Primary Lens TMB Triplet design with one element made from Extra high Dispersion Japanese
Ohara FPL-53 glass with a collimatable lens cell
Focus Mechanism Dual speed Crayford with calibration marks on the focus tube. The whole focus
assembly can be rotated through 360°
Weight 6Kg
Length Dew Shield retracted 615mm
Dew Shield extended 698mm
The specification is almost the same. The only different is the focuser.
For the bird graphic, I have no idea. I never to take the bird picture. My main purpose is star picture only.
If you are interesting, please PM to me. We can make the arrangement to take a look the scope.
You can come to my office to take a look. The office address is on the website. www.stargazer.hk