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發表於 2008-7-3 23:03:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

(法新社) 07月 03日 星期四 02:35PM

(法新社巴黎    二日電) 全球有數百萬本教科書在形容太陽系    時都說它是圓形,根據美國    航空暨太空總署(NASA)研究太空船「航海家二號」從外太空中傳回的珍貴數據顯示,太陽系原來是蛋形。


日光層包含由太陽風或太陽粒子控制的空間,比冥王星    運轉的軌道還要大很多。冥王星在將近六十億公里的距離外圍繞太陽旋轉。



根據今天發表在英國    「自然」期刊上的研究報告,這項差異證明日光層距離完美的圓形根本差很多,應該是橢圓的蛋形。
發表於 2008-7-4 09:27:14 | 顯示全部樓層

以“可見光” (有具體) 的範圍衡量,太陽系是圓形的,如果連傾斜角度大的彗星軌道也包括在內,你甚至可說太陽系像球體。

但是太陽系裡還有帶電荷的太陽風和行星自身的磁場,兩互相影響,結果產生肉眼見不到的巨形“磁層” (magnetosphere),例如木星便是這個樣子:

木星磁層長度 4 AU (6億公里) 以上,尾巴穿越土星軌道。

太陽風的影響範圍遠至冥王星軌道以外,結果形成一個更大的電磁區,稱為 heliosphere  (太陽風層,也譯作太陽圈),從這方面形容太陽系,它便是蛋形了,蛋的長徑估計有 100 AU  或以上。

http://www.nasa.gov/vision/unive ... rstellar-terms.html  (glossary)

http://spaceflightnow.com:80/news/n0807/02voyager2/  (最新報導 1)

http://spaceflightnow.com:80/news/n0807/02stereo/  (最新報導 2)

發表於 2008-7-4 10:11:59 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 mca 於 2008/7/4 09:27 發表

以“可見光” (有具體) 的範圍衡量,太陽系是圓形的,如果連傾斜角度大的彗星軌道也包括在內,你甚至可說太陽系像球體。

但是太陽系裡還有帶電荷的太陽風和行星自身的磁場,兩互相影響 ...

Agree with slight add-on.

I recall that I only learnt the solar system (from primary school textbook) that there is the Sun, the 9 planets (Yes! - 9), some planets coupled with moon(s), and they revolute around the sun in orbits laid on a plane (except Pluto and a Halley Comet) - and that's all of solar system.

I learnt about Oort's cloud, and much later, heliosphere in other astronomy leisure / layman books.  When I just read the news title quickly , I thought it says "The Sun is not spherical", which draw my attention in the first place.  Then I realized that the study is about the shape of solar system.

BTW, how do we define "solar system" ? I think it is some similar question like "how we define planet" ?

My 2 cents,
發表於 2008-7-4 10:35:30 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 BillYeung 於 2008/7/3 23:03 發表

(法新社) 07月 03日 星期四 02:35PM

(法新社巴黎    二日電) 全球有數百萬本教科書在形容太陽系    時都說它是圓形,根據美國    航空暨太空總署(NASA)研究太空船「航海家二號」從外太空 ...



根據今天發表在英國    「自然」期刊上的研究報告,這項差異證明日光層距離完美的圓形根本差很多,應該是橢圓的蛋形

For my discussion next is just a wild guess without reading the journal.

WRT the news, I don't think we can simply assume that the heliosphere must be in high geometric symmetry like sphere or ellipsoid but just TWO probes, although this is the best and simplest conclusion.  Or the heliosphere is of irregular shape or dumpbell shape, who knows ?

Digression: I have a thought that our solar system is in the center of some shape of nebula, as the Sun is at least the 2nd generation star.  Why can't we detect it or (part of) the CMB actually comes from the nebula we are living in ?
發表於 2008-7-4 12:52:52 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi David,

The Oort Cloud is only an hypothetic halo where long-period, hi-eccentric comets originate. So far there is no observational proof of Oort Cloud. On the contrary, there are observational evidences on heliosphere. So we exclude Oort Cloud but accept heliosphere as the frontier of our Solar System as far as we know.

Even saying so, we are still unable to define the shape of heliosphere, because we do not know the "tail" length of heliosphere: 100 AU or more is what we guess "now". But how much more ?  200 AU, 300 AU or up to the reign of Centaurua A, our nearest star apart from the Sun ?

Anyway I share your view that the Solar System may not necessaeily shape like an ellipsoid.

發表於 2008-7-4 13:05:05 | 顯示全部樓層
And even more contemplating, BY is trying to find the Sun's companion star. If he discovered it, then our Solar System is not a "system", it is only part of a binary-star system !

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