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發表於 2008-6-4 15:09:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
偶然在網上看到一篇紐約時報(The New York Times, Jan 16, 2001)對Dr. Eleanor R. Adair關於微波的訪問,覺得其中用微波取暖的想法很有趣,故此分享一下。

(Q=The New York Times, A=Dr. Adair)

Q.  Could you use microwaves as a way of heating yourself to stay warm in winter without heating your whole house?  Would it be more efficient?

A.  Absolutely.  That was first proposed by Prof. Robert V. Pound of Harvard University.  A lot of us had thought, Oh, gosh, wouldn't this be a great way to heat yourself in a cool house?  He wrote the paper on it.  It is known as the Pound proposal, and we are still pushing it as one of the peaceful uses of microwave energy.
發表於 2008-6-4 15:40:43 | 顯示全部樓層
Good idea.

But no thanks. It may be a little bit dangerous
發表於 2008-6-4 23:38:30 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 undefined 的帖子

Oh, I tried it twice.  About four years ago, part of my liver was heated with an inserted radio frequency probe (microwave antenna) to "cook" the tumor growing in it.

The most concerning problem of the microwave heating of a human is the control of the penetration of microwave and to avoid heating up the internal organs.  The second difficulty is how to avoid localized heating as different parts of our body absorbs microwave to different extents.
發表於 2008-6-5 00:44:23 | 顯示全部樓層
歐盟一向很重視電器產生的電磁場 (包括 50Hz 以下的極低頻 和1~10 GHz 微波) 對人體健康的影響,現時歐盟合格的電腦、顯示屏、手電等都要乎合 TCO 標準,它其中一項 Emissions 標準要求是這樣寫:

“Labeling includes the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) value, which is the accepted way of measuring the amount of radiation energy absorbed by the head when the telephone is broadcasting at full power. We have also included TCP (Telephone Communication Power), which is a new method for determining the telephone's communication ability. A good telephone must use a large portion of its power for communication and as small a percentage of the radiation as possible should be absorbed by the head. A good combination, therefore, is a low SAR value and a high TCP value….”。

電腦用的 wireless router 要在身體最少一米距離之外,
睡覺時頭部不要鄰近電視機 (即使機停開,它的內置電源也會發出輻射!)


發表於 2008-6-5 10:11:51 | 顯示全部樓層


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