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「陳堅的最後79 小時」

發表於 2008-5-21 18:39:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
「陳堅的最後79 小時」--- 真人真事的現場記錄片


第一段 11 min: 記者進入死城  
第二段 14 min: 發現被埋活人 (陳堅故事由第 6 分鐘開始)
第三段 15 min: 救出陳堅,但他還是走了
第四段  7 min: 願死者安息

The young man named Chen Jian was trapped underneath some earthquake debris. While waiting for the lifting equipment to arrive, he chattered with the reporter. He said: "I am a lucky as well as unlucky person in the Beichuan earthquake. I felt that I escaped from the hands of Death. Many of the others are less fortunate. I am pinned underneath three pieces of pre-fabricated slabs and I cannot move. I have not eaten anything for three days and three nights. I only drank some water. I must be strong. I have to be strong. I have be strong for everyone who loves me. I must live for their sakes, because they have been so good to me. I hope that you can be just like me and not be intimidated by any hardship."

Chen Jian came from Anyuan to work in Beichuan. He said that he wanted to go home and see his family. "I don't want my child to be born without knowing what his father looks like. I think that I have escaped from grasp of Death. I am not afraid of nothing anymore. I don't know if I have a good chance to survive?"

"我是北川大地震的,說不幸運又是很幸運的人。我覺得我從死神的手中逃回來了。他們很多沒有我運氣好。三塊預製板把我壓在底下,使我不得動彈。我三天三夜沒有吃一顆糧食, 只喝點水。我覺得我命還是大,大難不死、必有後福。我不想放棄我家裏的每一個人。我要 堅強,我一定要堅強,我必須要堅強,為每一個深愛我的人。一定要頑頑強強地活下去。我要對得起他們。我要對得起他們對我付出的那麼多的好。我希望你們一樣,不要在任何困難 面前被嚇倒。" 陳堅是安縣人,在這邊打工。他說,他想好好回去,站在家人面前。 "我不想孩子沒有出生,連父親啥樣都不曉得。我覺得我已經從死神手裏逃過來了,現在有啥子都不懼了。不曉得生還的希望海大不大?" 說這些話時,他的頭部還無法擺動,貼著水泥板的半個腦袋墊著海綿。

After trying for six hours, the rescuers finally extracted him successfully. On the way bringing him down the hillside, the young man was unresponsive no matter how the reporter and rescues implored: "Chen Jian, Chen Jian, wake up!" A lieutenant tried to give him cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to no avail. The reporter cried her eyes out. The military policeman sobbed and said: "You foolish man. You held on for so long already. Why can't you hold on a bit longer? You foolish man......."

發表於 2008-5-21 23:05:22 | 顯示全部樓層
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