樓主: WCYue

ZWO SeeStar S50 用途及有關設備

 樓主| 發表於 2023-10-29 01:45:31 | 顯示全部樓層
Processing a single stacked Seestar FITS file in Siril.
1. Image Plate Solve
2. Save, then change Directory, and SAVE as OBJECT name
5. Photometric Colour Calibration
6. Noise Reduction (optional)
7. Deconvolution (optional)
8. Switch to LINEAR view and SAVE
9. Starnet, then cleanup the starmask (OPTIONAL: desaturate, resynthesis), stretch (MARCSin), colour saturation, SAVE
11. Noise Reduction
12. GHStretch
15. SAVE
16. Star Recomposition, SAVE
17. Final Crop and save as PNG
 樓主| 發表於 2023-11-4 07:16:08 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 WCYue 於 2023-11-4 07:18 編輯

Processing a Seestar FITS file in Siril

 樓主| 發表於 2023-11-20 09:01:15 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 WCYue 於 2023-11-20 09:38 編輯

Seestar S50 CMOS 的 Bayer pattern 是 GRBG,並非 RGGB。


 樓主| 發表於 2023-11-20 19:35:50 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 WCYue 於 2023-11-20 19:39 編輯

Seestar S50 放大倍數

粗略估計:焦距/感測器的對角線測量值。因此 250mm/6.46mm = 38.7 或 40mm 。如果使用 250mm 焦距望遠鏡和 4mm 目鏡,獲得等效視圖,大約等於 60-63 放大倍率

 樓主| 發表於 2023-11-23 23:48:21 | 顯示全部樓層


•        Record a video of the Moon in RAW. 1 to 4 min should be more than enough.

•        Copy the .avi from the SeeStar to your computer.

•        - Load the .avi into Auttostakkert!4 (https://www.autostakkert.com/)
Image Stabilization = Planet (COG)
Quality Estimator = Automatic
Colour Menu > Force Bayer GRBG

•        Press the "Analyse" button.
AS!4 will review every video frame, rank them from best to worst quality, and display the results on a graph.

•        In the window that has the image of the Moon in it, choose an AP size (I usually pick 104), select "Replace" and "Multi-Scale," then click the "Place AP Grid" button. This will put a whole bunch of boxes on the Moon.
Check to ensure they cover the whole of the Moon but aren't selecting any of the black area around the outside of the Moon.
If some black is selected, increase the "Min Bright" option until just the Moon has APs on it.
If not enough of the Moon is covered (especially around the terminator), decrease the "Min Bright" option.

•        Look at the graph and decide how many frames you want to stack. You only want to use the highest quality frames, so sometimes "less is more."
I usually only stack the best 50%. To do this, I look for where the green line meets the 50% axis on the graph, hold down "ctrl," and left-click on the graph. This will automatically fill the first box in the "Frame percentage to stack" box.

•        Choose your file format.

•        Tick "RGB Align" and "Save in Folders." The "Sharpened" option will output a 2nd image with sharpening applied.

•        Drizzle 3.0x works well for the SeeStar. The Optics/Sensor combo is slightly undersampled, so Drizzle can help to recover that detail. The more frames, the better it will work (but don't include low quality frames just to get the numbers up), and you can always downsample the image after to return it to the original size. It might not always work correctly, so if you find a lot of aliasing or blocky artifacts, drop it down to 1.5x or turn it off completely.

•        Press the "Stack" button and let AS!4 do its thing. Once done, there will be a new folder in the same dir as the .avi that contains the stacked image.


I use "AstroSurface" (http://astrosurface.com/) for this part.

•        Load the image into AstroSurface. "Files > Open File" or "Ctrl-O." Browse to where AS!4 saved the stacked image, select it, and choose open.

•        The first thing I usually do is "Crop" the image. At the top of the AstroSurface window is a button labeled "Crop." Select it, then draw a box around what you want to keep. Crop out any 100% black around the border that may have been added during stacking.

•        The next step is to sharpen the image. These are the "Orange" buttons at the top.
There are 5 options to choose from. What option you choose will be down to personal preference as they all have slightly different results, so play around and find the one you like the look of the best.
I like to use V-Cittert or R-Lucy.

•        I won't go into details on how to use these tools, but the AstroSurface has some videos. Wavelets Wiener - http://astrosurface.com/manuels/waveletswiener.mp4 and V-Cittert - http://astrosurface.com/manuels/vancittert.mp4. The others all work similarly, so have a play.

•        Once you are happy with the sharpening, the next step is to get that colour. I start by doing a "White Balance." It's one of the blue buttons and is labeled "W-Balance." Click the "Auto" button and press OK (This is why we cropped out the 100% black earlier).

•        Next, click the "Saturation" button (also blue). Draw a small box over the Moon. Crank the "Color Noise prefilter" up to 5 and set a saturation value. I do this in a few small steps rather than a single one, usually around 50. It will be subtle, but the colour is there. Press the "Do All" button and then "OK".

•        Your image may have a blue tint to it again, so do another Auto White Balance.

•        Repeat the saturation. 50 again should be ok. This time, you don't need to use the "Color Noise prefilter."

•        Do another white balance if you feel it's needed.

•        Once you're happy with the results, choose "File > Save As". If you click "Save," it will OVERWRITE your stacked image. Not ideal if you want to start the processing again, as you will need to start again from AS!4.

•        Bring into Photoshop, GIMP, or your editor of choice to make the final adjustments.
 樓主| 發表於 2023-12-26 09:33:53 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 WCYue 於 2023-12-26 09:38 編輯

Connecting Seestar to SkySafari 7 Pro

See post script below on the limitations of using SkySafari.
I tried connecting SkySafari to Seestar, and found that they work very well together and that it’s easy to connect SkySafari to Seestar. To get started, I searched through this forum and found basic instructions, but several steps were missing (notably IP address and Port). Here are the detailed instructions:

-In Seestar, connect to the WIFI and Connect the telescope in the app per usual. So both the Seestar app and SkySafari app are running at the same time.
-In SkySafari, go to Settings, Presets
-Click “Add Preset”
-For “Mount Type” select “Alt-Az GOTO”. On the same page, “Scope Type” select “LX200 Classic”. Click “Next”
-IP Address is “”. Port is “4030”. Take this opportunity to “Check Connection Now”. If the connection is valid, click “Next”
-Name the Preset "Seestar"
-Click “Save Preset”
-Exit Settings

Now, on the main SkySafari panel, when Seestar is connected and running, simply tap on the Scope icon and click “Connect”
Once SkySafari can control Seestar, it’s nice to have a Seestar FOV. Here’s how to set up the FOV:
-In SkySafari, from the main panel select “Observe”
-In the Observe menu, select “Scope Display”
-Click on the button “+Create FOV”
-Click “Rectangular FOV”
-Enter .7 x 1.3, Display name “Seestar”, Field rotation “0”, Field Orientation “Horizon Coordinates”

Post Script to original post: SkySafari offers a very rich set of planetarium features. For example, "Tonight's Best" in SkySafari has around 100 objects, as compared to 10 for Seestar. And SkySafari's planetarium is endlessly customizable and searchable.

Nevertheless, you should normally execute GOTO functions from within SkySafari for two reasons: 1) Seestar searches will auto-center the objects and 2) GOTO's executed by Seestar will properly label your photos. If Seestar works like ZWO's ASIAir, SkySafari GOTO's will not auto-center and properly label your slews.

So think of SkySafari as an adjunct and supporting tool for your Seestar.
 樓主| 發表於 2024-1-17 23:17:16 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 WCYue 於 2024-1-18 00:16 編輯


1. 將Seestar更新到最新的軟體/韌體

2. 將三腳架調平到北極星

3. 把楔形角度設定在你的緯度上

4. 安裝Seestar,這樣它就會開啟,指向天空而不是地面

5. 開啟Seestar並連線。 確保在高階設定中允許水準校正

6. 去天空地圖集,挑選一顆明亮的星星,即天狼星

7. 前往觀星並選擇天狼星

8. 手動將Seestar指向天狼星

9. 按下紅色按鈕以啟動水準校正,又稱三星對齊

10. 這需要一段時間,但Seestar應該自己引導天狼星並使其居中心

11. 前往天空地圖集並同步

12. 去觀星並照常進行,已經進入EQ模式。
 樓主| 發表於 2024-6-24 08:43:56 | 顯示全部樓層
Seestar S50 的開源附加功能

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