TONGKW 發表於 2014-8-4 09:47:21


本港很多人對天文不甚了解, 參加觀星活動時會問很多奇怪的問題,可能考起在場的資深天文同好。很多參加者都是第一次,我通常被參加者問我帶去的天文望遠鏡放得幾大望得幾遠,我都耐心樂於回答。為何要用紅光電筒就要一大番解釋.但令我最不高興是這些參加者帶去的小朋友亂搞會員的天文望遠鏡,當是自己的玩具,在觀星場地亂跑,場地黑可能碰跌望遠鏡及跌傷他們。我通常在到達場地時就作出嚴重警告。所以資深天文同好不帶他們的靚鏡(Takahashi) 出席這些大眾化的觀星活動/觀星營。﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣以下是一些在美國路邊天文活動有人常問的問題:-
[*]You built that scope yourself?
[*]What can you see from the city?
[*]What kind of magnification can   you get with that scope?
[*]How far can you see with your   telescope?
[*]Can you see the Apollo   spacecraft on the Moon with your telescope?
[*]How do you find things with   your telescope?
[*]What constellation am I looking   at?
[*]What is the difference between   a star and a planet?
[*]What are "shooting   stars"?
[*]What are sunspots?
[*]How far away is the Moon (Mars,   Jupiter...)?
[*]I bought a star for my   (relative, pet, friend...). Can you show it to me?
[*]Did we really send spacecraft   to the Moon? Were the Apollo landings a hoax?
[*]Have you ever seen a UFO?
[*]Do you believe in astrology?
[*]Do you believe in God?
﹣﹣這些問題答案可參閱以下網頁:-路邊天文學家”邁克爾”解答一些路人常問的問題The San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 觀星活動參加者常問的問題