mindy 發表於 2011-7-11 10:37:10

外國人老闆想在香港買天文儀器, 但我對此完全不懂, pls help!

他有一套BOSMA EQ10, 大概我的理解是他想用自己的電腦連接EQ10 去影相, 電腦和相機他都有, 他要中間的 CONTROL BOX 和RESOLVERS 或是一個GOTO SMALL BOX, 這些邊度有得賣?

我已打去BOSMA問, 佢地話EQ10不能連接電腦, 但我老闆話有得改裝的, 有改裝的英文MANUAL嗎?

本人對老闆的問題十分無助, 請指教, 萬分感激!!!

TONGKW 發表於 2011-7-11 13:13:17

本帖最後由 TONGKW 於 2011-7-11 13:21 編輯

回復 1# mindy


It would be very difficult, costly and time consuming to modify an old equatorial mount to connect up with a laptop for astro-photography. It may not work after all.
You can try to look for some assistance in the list of local astro equipment suppliers in the websites here :-
Alternatively it may be more cost effective and easier to get a new equatorial mount that can be hook up to a laptop right away, such as this one available locally ex stock :-

newcanon 發表於 2011-7-11 13:30:15

回復 1# mindy

mindy 發表於 2011-7-11 16:22:37

十分感激, 我老闆已聽取你們意見約了時間明天去睇cg-5.many many thanks!!
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查看完整版本: 外國人老闆想在香港買天文儀器, 但我對此完全不懂, pls help!