梅西爾 發表於 2010-5-17 18:58:30



P.S. 這鏡子觀月真好,不會有色差,輪廓清晰

mca 發表於 2010-5-17 20:27:45


「第一任梅夫人」已是名花有主,這稱呼吾係你叫呀 !

一則八掛資訊: Charles Miessier 掛住揾彗星多過關心老婆死左,見

“..... If you think today's scandal sheets at the grocery store checkout are bad, then know they couldn't hold a candle to what aristocracy could do back then. According to research, a malicious legend is reported by Jean-Francois de Laharpe, written in 1801, that the death of Messier's wife had prevented the discovery of another comet which would have been his thirteenth, and Messier was more desperate because of the lost discovery than of the death of his wife (especially as this comet was discovered by Montaigne, whom he didn't like).”

那支伽利略式望遠鏡的視場很窄,既然它有目鏡附件可以改為開普勒式望遠鏡,就多 D 用這目鏡吧,它的視場較寬,用來觀天更好,個晚我要觀測月掩金星不能分身,否則會介紹那晚的新月有那些地方可看。宜家補番數,不知你有無見到在下圖 No. 1 至 No. 8 的月面特徵,它們都有一段歷史故事哩。



梅西爾 發表於 2010-5-17 21:56:50

Thanks Alan!

jojomamani 發表於 2010-5-18 12:33:38

2# mca

Thanks Alan for such a detail & clear illustration.
Learn it!

I still need a bit of time to clarify my files b4 publishing on the forum.
Learnt a lot with u folks!

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