CKYan 發表於 2009-6-13 11:23:33


天文教師班第二堂講議附有一份全天星圖,該星圖原版權屬SFA Observatory (,為方便香港天文同好使用,我加插了星座和主要光星的中文名稱(亮星名主要參考香港太空館網頁).我把星圖的高清版放在這裏,供大家下載列印出來便可於觀星時實地使用:


CKYan 發表於 2009-6-13 11:36:36

Astronomy exercise for students

1 Radio Astronomy of Pulsars
2 Astrometry of Asteroids
3 The Revolution of the Moons of Jupiter
4 The Rotation of Mercury by The Doppler Effect
5 Photoelectric Photometry of the Pleiades
6 HR Diagrams of Clusters
7 Spectral Classification of Stars
8 The Hubble RedShift-Distance Relation
9 The Large Scale Structure of the Universe
10 The Flow of Energy Out of the Sun
11 The Quest for Object X
12 The Period of Rotation of the Sun Using Images of Sunspots from the GONGproject
13 Transits of Venus and Mercury Using Imagesfrom the GONGproject
14 Jupiter's Moons and the Speed of Light: The Classic Roemer Experiment
15 Dying Stars and the Birth of the Elements
16 The Height of Lunar Mountains

KST 發表於 2009-6-13 18:59:19

Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas (免費下載:victory: )

[ 本帖最後由 KST 於 2009-6-13 19:01 編輯 ]
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