moomi 發表於 2008-9-17 22:40:47

08-09可觀天文班徵求導師 (08年9月至09年5月)

本會協辦可觀中心的晚間觀星活動,對象為生物科或地理科的預科生,讓他們可利用可觀天文館的天文設施, 有接觸天文的機會。



1.      約45分鐘天文知識講座
2.      觀星指導(星象儀)及天台觀星
3.      二十吋望遠鏡觀星


查詢詳情或可以擔任義務導師的會員請聯絡 孫蔓薇 [email protected]

[ 本帖最後由 moomi 於 2008-10-21 13:39 編輯 ]

PTS 發表於 2008-9-18 10:01:44

Please mark the day-of-week on the dates, especially those not on Wednesdays, for easier reference.


moomi 發表於 2008-9-18 10:40:59

已更新, 加了星期

moomi 發表於 2008-10-21 13:46:37

HKAS是個慈善團體, 於社會上負擔起天文普及的教育工作,可觀中心的天文班可以讓我們有很多向年青人介紹觀星樂的機會, 現呼籲更多會員加入義務工作人員行列.

本會安排每節每導師車馬費$100, 以補貼各工作人員車資及膳費.

各會員如果有興趣先看看天文班情況, 可以聯絡我安排參觀.

mca 發表於 2009-1-30 01:27:31

HKAS 不是慈善團體

據我了解,在74 年註冊 (當時我也在現場) 和 會章上,HKAS 一直是非弁利的社團,99%+ 會員都是業餘的。一個這樣的社團,先要照顧會員,用部份資源向外做普及推廣,也是我樂意見到的,但在法律上,會章上和行政上、HKAS 絕非慈善團體,這點是要澄清的。


WCYue 發表於 2009-1-30 04:38:45

「香港天文學會」是按照《 稅 務 條 例 》第88條給予豁免繳稅的「慈善機構及慈善信託」。而「慈善團體」必須純粹為慈善用途而設立。

BillYeung 發表於 2009-1-30 11:06:21


Bill> 過去十年,只顧推廣,忽視培訓會員,是HKAS衰落的一個主要原因:@

PTS 發表於 2009-1-31 13:11:26

只顧推廣,忽視培訓會員 ????

Alan & Bill,
Maybe your views are CORRECT but such view simply should not be expressed under this topic, which calls for help in the Hokoon classes.By doing so, are you discouraging or insulting these helpers (including those who help the ROADSIDE Astronomy activity)?What you are doing is putting salt onto wounds.Moomi has been doing her best to get more helpers and Bill, you as the President, is totally wrong in giving such comment here, under this topic.

First of all, if you feel too much resources is put into this activity, and this leads to our members being ignored, you have every right (or is this one of your duties as our leader??) to discuss this thoroughly in the EXCO, and maybe even STOP such activity if you feel this is bad for HKAS.

Also please check what resources has been used, and what gain we have earned, before making such unfounded comment in this open forum.

Back to the 忽視培訓會員 point.I have all the time trying to get more member involved in these classes.It is not just an activity for 推廣.If more members come to help in these classes, we can set up more small telescopes each evening and they can observe in samll groups, instead of the present situation, where we can only utilise 2 or 3 telescopes with more than 15 in one group.Through such participation, our members will surely benefit by actively involved in leading the students and advance themselves at the same time.Moreover, this will provide a long term commitment for the members, allowing them to build up their own field of interest.I believe this is the way to maintain the momentum and interests of our members.You can see many of our young members (like BUG) who have develop their interest in a specific field and then are hooked for life!   I suppose this is the way to 培訓會員.
When I proposed many years ago to Hokoon to open an evening to the public, my excuse was to give support for the teachers, but my hidden agenda was to involve more members and hope that eventually we'll have a free observation evening each month.My proposal was adopted and has been going on, but my aim was squarely defeated!

Finally, if you like to talk more on 只顧推廣,忽視培訓會員, please iniate another topic, not HERE to make Moomo's effort much more difficult or to insult the helpers.


扒飯撈麵 發表於 2009-9-22 20:25:24


moomi 發表於 2009-9-23 10:03:21

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查看完整版本: 08-09可觀天文班徵求導師 (08年9月至09年5月)