C.L.Chan 發表於 2021-2-16 22:12:28


本帖最後由 C.L.Chan 於 2021-2-17 08:59 編輯

初五彎月的東北角, 由右上至左下三個月面地貌:洪寶海 Mare Huboldtianum, 在天平動條件適合時才能看到.恩底里翁 Crater Endynion (神話中的牧羊人), 擎天神 Crater Atlas. UT 2021 02 16, 12h11m, Telescope TECMaksutov-Cassegrain MC200/20, D=20cm, F.L.=400cm, Losmandy G-11 EquatorialMount with motor drive. Camera QHY 5III 224 Color Cam, Capture withFireCapture, Shoot at Gamma=100, Gain=40, Expo= 0.643 ms/frame, avi format,stack and process 60% best frames in 1803 frames by free Software AutoStakkert3, wavelet with RegiStax V.6, Final touch by Microsoft Photo software.Atmospheric condition: Transparent: 7/10, Seeing : 8/10. Equipment borrowedfrom Mr. Ng. The photo was taken at Kennedy Town 堅尼地城,Hong Kong.
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