C.L.Chan 發表於 2020-11-30 22:13:24


本帖最後由 C.L.Chan 於 2020-12-1 08:33 編輯

農曆十月十六的滿月. The Full Moon, HKT: 2020/11/30, 20h47m, Telescope: Astro Physics, Star 12 ED, D=12cm, F.L.=102cm, Prime Focus, Losmandy G-11Equatorial Mount with motor drive. Canon EOS 300D camera, ISO 100, 1/560 sec exposure. jpg Format. Atmospheric Transparent: 8/10, Seeing: 8/10.Stack 30 frames and Wavelet processed byRegistax v.6, Color Enhancement by GIMP and Micro-Soft Photos, Equipment borrowed from Mr. Ng. Taken at Kennedy Town堅尼地城, Hong Kong.
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