C.L.Chan 發表於 2020-4-28 21:45:44

阿爾泰峭壁 2020/04/28

阿爾泰峭壁, 在圖的左邊彎彎的向右下角延伸.以新疆北部高山命名, 這個峭壁高1000公尺(高過大帽山), 長427公里(香港到海南島). 因其彎度與酒海(右上)的圓環形吻合,估計是酒海形成時的衝擊波所造成.Rupes Altai, 2020/04/28 UT: 11h58m, Telescope TECMaksutov-Cassegrain MC200/20, D=20cm, F.L.=400cm, Losmandy G-11 EquatorialMount with motor drive. Camera QHY 5III 224 Color Cam, Capturewith FireCapture, Shoot at Gamma=110, Gain=44, Expo= 3.1ms/frame, frame rate 49frames/sec, avi format, stack and process 30% best frames in 1626 frames,­ withSoftware AstroStackert 3 , wavelet with RegiStax V.6 ,Atmospheric condition : Transparent : 8­/10,Seeing : 7/10. Equipment borrowedfrom Mr. Ng. Photo taken at Kennedy Town堅尼地城, Hong Kong.
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