C.L.Chan 發表於 2019-9-13 14:00:13


大家看到的是月亮西邊的碩大風暴洋 , 黑色平原以它為大. 洋中最耀眼的是哥白尼及開普勒隕坑的白色輻射紋 . 蛇谷在西北方的一明一暗的中形隕坑 .Oceanus Procellarum, 2019/09/12 HKT: 23h17m, Telescope TEC Maksutov-Cassegrain MC200/20,D=20cm, F.L.= 400cm, Prime Focus, Losmandy G-11Equatorial Mount with motor drive. Canon EOS 700D Camera, IR block filterremoved, ISO 800, 1/250 sec exposure. JPG Format, Automatic white balance.Atmospheric Transparent : 7/10, Seeing :7/10. , 6 out of 10 frames is stackedand wavelet adjustment by Registex 6, Color adjustment by GIMP & MicrosoftPhoto, Equipment borrowed from Mr. Ng. Taken at Kennedy Town 堅尼地城, Hong Kong.
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