C.L.Chan 發表於 2019-9-9 13:20:30


月球南部是古老的山區, 有著大小不一的隕石坑, 較大的隕坑會具央小山, 是隕石撞擊的溫度(>1200C) 令當地岩石變成衝擊熔融岩漿, 有著水滴反彈回升的現象, 形成中央小山 . 也有較大的隕坑被流出的岩漿填平 , 也有同一地點受大小不一的隕石撞擊, 造成坑中有坑.Mountains area at southern part of the Moon, 2019/09/07 HKT: 21h20m, Telescope TECMaksutov-Cassegrain MC200/20, D=20cm, F.L.=400cm, Losmandy G-11 EquatorialMount with motor drive. Camera QHY 5III 224 Color Cam,frame size 1280 x 960 px, Shoot at Gamma=107, Gain=46, Expo= 0.18ms/frame, framerate=50-107 frames/sec, avi format, stack and process 30% best frames in 4668frames,­ with Software AstroStackert 3 , wavelet with RegiStax V.6 ,   Atmospheric condition : Transparent : 7/10,Seeing : 7/10. Equipment borrowedfrom Mr. Ng. Photo taken at Kennedy Town堅尼地城, Hong Kong.
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