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Babylonian = 巴比倫星表
Ptolemy = 托勒密星表
 樓主| 發表於 2020-5-2 18:24:56 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 WCYue 於 2023-5-15 10:10 編輯


Abell = Abell catalogue = Abell catalogue of rich clusters of galaxies = 阿貝爾星系團星表
Abell PN = Abell Planetary Nebulae = 阿貝爾行星狀星雲星表
AC = Astrographic Catalogue = 照相天圖星表
Arp = Arp Peculiar Galaxy Catalogue = 阿普特殊星系星表

Barnard = Barnard Dark Nebulae = 巴納德黑暗星雲星表
BD = Bonner Durchmusterung = 波昂星表
BS = Bright Star Catalogue = 亮星星表

Caldwell = Caldwell Catalogue = 考威爾星表
CD = Cordoba Durchmusterung = 科多瓦星表
Collinder = Collinder Open Cluster Catalogue = 科林德疏散星團星表
CzeV = The Czech Variable Star Catalogue = 捷克變星星表

GCVS = General Catalogue of Variable Stars = 總變星星表
CGCG = Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies = 星系和星系團星表
GJ = Gliese Nearby Stars, Preliminary 3rd Version = 格利澤初步第三版近星星表
Gliese = Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars = 格利澤近星星表

H400-I = Herschel 400-I Catalogue = 赫歇爾 400-I 星表
H400-II = Herschel 400-II Catalogue = 赫歇爾 400-II 星表
Haf = Haffner Open Cluster Catalogue = 哈夫納疏散星團星表
HD = The Henry Draper Catalogue = 亨利·德雷伯星表
Hen = Hen Catalogue of the central stars of planetary nebulae (有待核實)
HR = Harvard Revised Bright Star Catalogue = 哈佛修訂亮星星表

IC = Index Catalogue = Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars = 星雲、星團索引星表 = 索引星表

King = King Open Cluster Catalogue = 金疏散星團星表

Madras = Madras General Catalogue = 馬德拉斯恆星總表
Messier = Messier Catalogue = 梅西耶星表
MCG = Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies = 星系形態星表

NGC = New General Catalogue = New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars = 星雲、星團新總星表
NSV = New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars = 新懷疑變星星表

Palomar = Palomar Globular Cluster = 帕洛馬球狀星團星表
PGC = Principal Galaxies Catalogue = 主要星系星表

RCW = Rodgers, Campbell & Whiteoak catalog of Hα-emission regions in the southern Milky Way = RCW 銀河系南部 Hα 發射區星表 = RCW星表

SAO = The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog = 史密松天體物理天文台星表
Sharpless = Sharpless Catalogue of HII Region (emission nebulae)= 沙普利斯 HII 區亮星雲星表

Trumpler = Trumpler Open Cluster = 川普勒散星團星表

UBAD = U.S. Naval Observatory Bright-Star Astrometric Database = 美國海軍天文台亮星位置測量數據庫
UCAC3 = The Third U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog = 美國海軍天文台CCD攝星鏡第三星表
UCAC4 = The Fourth U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog = 美國海軍天文台CCD攝星鏡第四星表
UGC = Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies = 烏普薩拉星系總星表
USNO = United States Naval Observatory Star Catalog = 美國海軍天文台星表

V = Variable Star Catalogue =  變星星表

YBS = Yale Bright Star Catalogue = 耶魯亮星星表
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2C = Second Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources = 第二劍橋射電源星表
2M = Gravitationally Lensed Quasar Database = 重力透鏡類星體數據庫
2MASS = Two Micron All-Sky Survey = 二微米全天巡天星表
2MASX = Two Micron All-Sky Survey Extended Source Catalog = 二微米源全天巡天延展星表

3C = Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources = 第三劍橋射電源星表表

ALESS =  ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies = Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array survey of submillimeter galaxies = 阿塔卡馬大型毫米波/亞毫米波陣列射電望遠鏡亞毫米波星系表 = 阿爾馬亞毫米波星系表
APOGEE = Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment = 阿帕奇點天文台銀河演化實驗星表
AT = Astronomical Transient = 天文瞬變星表
ATLAS = Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System = 小行星地面撞擊最後警報系統星表
ATNF = Australia Telescope National Facility Pulsar Catalogue = 澳洲望遠鏡國家設施脈衝星星表

BOSS = Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey = 重子振盪光譜巡天星表

CCD = Catalog of Circumstellar Disks = 星盤目錄
CE = Calán-ESO Proper-Motion Catalog = 卡蘭-歐洲南方天文台自行星表
COSMOS = Cosmic Evolution Survey = 宇宙演化巡天星表
CRTS = Catalina Real-time Transient Survey =卡塔琳娜實時瞬變源巡天星表
CSS = Catalina Sky Survey = 卡塔琳娜巡天星表

DESI =.Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument = 暗能量光譜巡天
Dragonfly = Dragonfly Telephoto Array = 蜻蜓長焦鏡頭陣列星表

FRB = Fast Radio Burst = 快速射電暴星表

GB = Giclas dwarf = Lowell Proper Motion Survey (Giclas dwarf) = 羅威爾吉克拉斯矮星自行星表 = 吉克拉斯矮星星表
GN = Galaxy Number = 星系編號
GOSC = Galactic O-Star Catalog = 銀河系O型星星表
GPX = Galactic Plane eXoplanet = 銀河平面系外行星星表
GRO = Gramma Ray Object = 伽馬射線天體星表
GW = Gravitational Wave = 重力波星表
GWTC = Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog = 重力波瞬變星表
GWTC 2 = Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog 2 = 重力波瞬變第二星表

HAT = Hungarian-made Automated Telescope = 匈牙利製造自動望遠鏡星表
HESS = High Energy Stereoscopic System Source Catalog = 高能立體系統源(研究宇宙伽馬射線的大氣切倫科夫望遠鏡)源星表
HH = Herbig-Haro object = 赫比格-哈羅天體星表
HI4PI = HI across the whole sky (the surface area of the full sphere corresponding to 4*PI steradian) = 中性氫全天巡天星表
HSC = Hyper Suprime-Cam  = Hyper Subaru Prime Focus Camera emission-line object = 超級昴星團望遠鏡直接焦點相機發射線天體星表

IRS = International Reference Star = 國際參考星表

KELT = Kilo-Degree Extremely Little Telescope = 千度極小望遠鏡星表
KiDS =  Kilo-Degree Survey = 千度巡天星表

LAGER = Lyman-Alpha Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization = 宇宙再電離時期的萊曼阿爾法星系表
LHS = Luyten half-second catalog = 魯坦半秒星表
LP = Luyten-Palomar Survey = 魯坦-帕洛瑪巡天星表
LTT = Luyten Two Tenths catalog = 魯坦十分之二星表
Luhman = brown dwarfs discovered by Kevin Luhman = 凱文·盧曼(Kevin Luhman)發現的棕矮星星表

MDW = Mittelman Dennis Walker Sky Surey = 米特曼-丹尼斯-沃克巡天星表
MOA = Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics = (新西蘭) 天體物理學微重力透鏡觀測星表

NGTS = Next Generation Transit Survey = 次世代凌日法巡天星表

OGLE = Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment Catalog of Variable Stars = 光學重力透鏡實驗變星星表

PDS = Protoplanets Disk Sculpting = 原行星盤雕刻星表
PSO = PanSTARRS Object = Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System Object = 全景巡天望遠鏡和快速回應系統天體星表 = 泛星計劃天體星表 = 泛星天體星表
PSR = Pulsating Source of Radio = 射電脈動源星表
PTF = Palomar Transient Factory = 帕洛馬瞬變工廠星表

SDSS = Sloan Digital Sky Survey = 史隆數碼化巡天星表
SEGUE = Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration = 銀河系理解和探索史隆數碼化巡天擴展星表
SGR = Soft Gamma Repeater = 軟γ射線重複爆發源星表
SMAC = Stellar Mass Catalogue = 恆星質量目錄
SMAC = Streaming motions of galaxy clusters = 星系團的流動運動星表
SNO = SPECULOOS Northern Observatory =
SPECULOOS = Search for habitable Planets EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars = 尋找使超冷恆星黯然失色的宜居行星
SPT = South Pole Telescope = 南極望遠鏡星表

SSO = SPECULOOS Southern Observatory =
SWASP = Super Wide Angle Search for Planets = 超廣角尋找行星星表

TRAPPIST = TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope = 凌日系外行星及原行星小望遠鏡星表
TVLM = Tinney's Very Low Mass Catalogue = 廷尼超低質量天體星表

VVV = VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea survey = Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy Variables in the Via Lactea survey = 可見光和紅外測量望遠鏡  Via Lactea 巡天星表(VIST是歐洲南方天文台4.1米可見光和紅外測量望遠鏡)
VVV-WIT = VVV What Is This = 可見光和紅外測量望遠鏡  Via Lactea 巡天中,這是什麼天體列表
VVVX = VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea survey and extended version = 可見光和紅外測量望遠鏡  Via Lactea 巡天延展星表

WASP = Wide Angle Search for Planets = 廣角尋找行星星表

YSES = Young suns Exoplanet Survey = 年輕太陽系外行星巡天星表
YSO =  Young Stellar Objects = 年輕恆星物體星表

ZTF = Zwicky Transient Facility = 茲威基瞬變設施星表

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本帖最後由 WCYue 於 2022-8-13 14:44 編輯


4U = Fourth Uhuru Catalog = X射線探測衛星第四星表 (Uhuru 烏呼魯衛星,原名「X射線探測衛星」)

eFEDS = eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey = extended ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array Final Equatorial Depth Survey = 擴展倫琴測量成像望遠鏡陣列赤道最終深度巡天星表(暱稱:愛神赤道最終深度巡天星表)
EPIC = Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog = 黃道平面輸入星表(刻卜勒太空望遠鏡延展任務恆星和行星數據庫)

Gaia EDR3 = Gaia Early Data Release 3 = 蓋亞第三批早期發佈數據
GLASS = Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space = 太空重力透鏡放大巡天星表
GLASS-JWST = James Webb Space Telescope Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space = 韋伯太空望遠鏡發現的太空重力透鏡放大巡天星表
GOODS North = Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey North = 大天文台(指:各大太空望遠鏡)深空天體起源北天巡天星表
GOODS South = Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey South = 大天文台(指:各大太空望遠鏡)深空天體起源南天巡天星表
GSC = Guide Star Catalog = Hubble Space Telescope, Guide Catalog = 哈勃太空望遠鏡導星星表 = 哈勃導星星表

HDF = Hubble Deep Field = 哈勃深空天體星表
HIP = Hipparcos Space Astrometry Mission = 依巴谷衛星星表
HSC = Hubble Source Catalog = 哈勃來源星表

Kepler = Kepler Space telescope = 刻卜勒太空望遠鏡星表
KIC = Kepler Input Catalog = 刻卜勒輸入星表, 收錄來自克卜勒光譜分類計劃(Kepler Spectral Classification Program)和刻卜勒太空望遠鏡觀測的約1,320萬顆恆星數據庫

MAXI = Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image = 全天X射線圖像監察星表

PHz = Planck List of High Redshift Source Candidates = 普朗克高紅移源候選名單星表

RBS = ROSAT Bright Survey = Röntgensatellit Bright Survey = 倫琴衛星明亮X射線巡天星表
RXTE = Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer = 羅西X射線計時探測器星表

SGR = Soft Gamma Repeater = 軟γ射線重複爆發源星表
Swift = Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory gamma-ray bursts = 雨燕伽馬射線暴星表

THYME = TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets = Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Objects of Interest Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets = 凌日系外行星巡天衛星尋找年輕和成熟系外行星星表
TOI = TESS Objects of Interest = Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Objects of Interest = 凌日系外行星巡天衛星感興趣對象星表 = 凌日系外行星巡天衛星目標星表
TIC = TESS Input Catalog = Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Input Catalog = 凌日系外行星巡天衛星輸入星表
TYC =  Tycho-1 Catalogue = 第谷星表 = 第谷第一星表

XTE = X-ray Timing Explorer = X射線計時探測器星表 = RXTE = Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer = 羅西X射線計時探測器星表

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