C.L.Chan 發表於 2018-3-21 11:42:02

21分鐘曝光的獵戶座 M42

21分鐘曝光的獵戶座 M42 大星雲 , 因相機拆除了阻隔紅外線的濾鏡 , 又用上了光污染濾鏡 , 中午在陽光下做了白平衡照片 , 今晚首次用上拍攝所有必需照片 , 看效果如何?. OrionM42 Nebula,2018/03/20,HKT 20h43m to 21h05m , Telescope:Astro Physics, Star 12 ED, D=12cm, F.L.=102cm, Prime Focus with flat field lensand Astronomik light pollution filter, Losmandy G-11 Equatorial Mount withmotor drive. Manual object targeting. Canon EOS 700D Camera , IR Low pass filter removed.ISO1600,120 sec exposure per frame. CRWFormat. Custom white balance frame. Light frames 21x, Dark frames 17x, Biasframes 10x, Flat frames 12x, Stacked by Deep Sky Stacker free software. AtmosphericTransparent :7/10, Seeing :7/10.Equipmentborrowed from Mr. Ng. Taken at Kennedy Town, 堅尼地城Hong Kong .
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