C.L.Chan 發表於 2016-8-15 11:50:06


上星期到台中大雪山賓館拍攝深空天體 , 可惜多為陰天下雨 , 謹謹在歷時一個多小時的雲縫中拍下此星雲 , 手忙腳亂出次品 , 請勿見笑
North America Nebula and Bright Star Deneb 2016/08/11, HKT 23h17m to 23h29m,
Canon ESO700D, IR Low pass filter removed. Canon Zoom Lens EF 50-200mm, ISO 6400, At f.l. 200 mm, f/5.6, Exposure 30 sec. for each frame. With motor drive Halley Equatorial Mounting . Atmospheric transparent : 9/10, Seeing : 9/10. Processed and stacked by free soft- ware Deep Sky Stacker with 28 Light frames, 2...See More
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查看完整版本: 北美洲星雲