iheby 發表於 2015-12-20 12:59:11

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-1-25 13:49 編輯

「點亮星辰」天文科普系列 @澳門科學館


專題講座 - 動漫裡的天文學

時間:2016.01.02(六) 17:15 ~ 18:00
講者:吳年繼 先生 (澳門科學館 天文館部)




[*]2016.01.16(六) 20:00 ~ 22:00 天氣欠佳延期
[*]2016.01.24(日) 20:00 ~ 22:00 天氣仍欠佳取消


【會辦】2016.01.16(六) 東平洲環島遊

iheby 發表於 2015-12-21 11:52:39

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-1-21 23:58 編輯

陰那山2016捕獵南天船底座星雲三天之旅{FB*} @P牌攝影學會
日期:2016.01.15(五) ~ 2016.01.17(日)


iheby 發表於 2015-12-24 11:11:25

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-2-4 09:51 編輯

每季星空巡禮講座 @香港中文大學鄧雁玲科學普及教育中心



時間:2016.01.19(二) 18:30
講者:王永雄 博士 (大學通識教育部)
時間:講座後 ~ 2016.01.19(二) 20:30
地點:科普中心 崇基圖書館頂層





iheby 發表於 2015-12-29 14:26:53

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-2-2 11:01 編輯

費米伽馬射線太空望遠鏡探測的極端世界 @香港大學物理系


Seminar: Follow the Energy: Probing the Extreme Universe with The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope
Astrophysics is often considered the oldest of the physical sciences, having been practiced since the 17th century by the likes of Galileo and Newton. High-energy astrophysics, however, is decidedly a "space age" discipline, relying on modern satellites and particle detectors to collect information on the highest energy photons, not accessible from the ground. The Fermi gamma-ray space telescope, in orbit since 2008, is the most sensitive gamma-ray detector ever built. With its recently upgraded capabilities and its large field of view that allows it to scan the entire sky every three hours, Fermi is providing an exquisite view of the dynamic universe at the highest energies. I will discuss how Fermi can shed light on some of the biggest questions in physics today; in particular, I will highlight the central role that pulsars are playing in this saga, as nature's most extreme cosmic laboratories.
時間:2016.01.06(三) 16:00
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓 105室
講者:Dr. Pablo M. Saz PARKINSON (香港大學)


【圖片】Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope from stanford.edu

iheby 發表於 2015-12-29 14:31:09

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-2-2 10:58 編輯

iheby 發表於 2015-12-29 14:26
費米伽馬射線太空望遠鏡探測的極端世界 @香港大學物理系

星周塵包層裏的物理與化學 @香港大學物理系


Seminar: Physics and Chemistry in the Envelopes of Evolved Stars
When a low- or intermediate-mass star evolves from the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB), proto-planetary nebula (PPN), to planetary nebula (PN) phases, it ejects matter from its surface into space, forming an expanding circumstellar envelope (CE). Investigation of physics and chemistry in CEs is the key to understand the recycling of matter between stars and the interstellar medium (ISM). It has been established that the CE provides an active site for the production of dust grains and various molecules. However, the picture of circumstellar chemistry is still far from clear. It is not yet known how complex molecules might be formed in CEs.

In order to investigate the roles that the changing physical conditions (e.g. dust, stellar wind, shock wave, radiation field) during the AGB-PPN-PN transition play in circumstellar chemistry, we performed an unbiased molecular line survey of a CE sample at radio windows. The observations allow us to systematically study the relationship between molecular compositions and nebular properties as well as their evolutionary statuses. Complex molecules can be investigated through their infrared vibrational spectra. We proposed that mixed aromatic/aliphatic organic nanoparticles are likely to be the carrier of unidentified infrared emission features, suggesting that CEs have no difficulty to synthesize complex organic compounds. For the first time, we discovered C60 in a PPN. I will review the implications of the detections of fullerenes on circumstellar chemistry.

In the PN phase, the nebulae are photoionized by hot central stars, forming a natural laboratory to study the plasma behavior in extremely low-density environments. In the past, the energy of free electrons in PNe has been assumed to follow a thermal distribution. However, a suspicion recently arose because a non-thermal electron distribution is able to explain some puzzles of nebular observations. We develop new plasma diagnostics to sample the electron energy distributions in PNe. This has a profound impact for the abundance determination.
時間:2016.01.08(五) 16:00
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓 522室
講者:Dr. Yong ZHANG 張泳 博士 (香港大學)


【講者】Professor Sun Kwok (left) and Dr Yong Zhang (right) http://www.hku.hk/f/news/6633/1.jpg
【圖片】A spectrum from the Infrared Space Observatory superimposed on an image of the Orion Nebula where these complex organics are found.

iheby 發表於 2015-12-29 17:36:37

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-2-2 10:59 編輯

iheby 發表於 2015-12-29 14:31
星周塵包層裏的物理與化學 @香港大學物理系

超新星殘餘面面觀並與原星體及超新星爆炸性質之關聯 @香港大學物理系


Seminar: The Many Facets of Supernova Remnants and the Missing Link to Their Progenitors and Supernova Explosions
Supernova remnants (SNRs), gorgeous nebula-like objects left behind by stellar explosions in our Universe, have never ceased to fascinate us by their many faces. Their important roles in shaping our Milky Way and other galaxies as we know them today include the ejection of chemical elements essential to life, the production of cosmic-ray particles, and the triggering of star formation and turbulence in the interstellar medium, to name just a few. Their rich variety of behaviors and morphologies seen in the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and the complex network of underlying physical processes, have enticed astrophysicists to devote decades trying to unravel them piece by piece. Thanks to the application of quickly evolving numerical techniques blended with accumulating observational data from newer and better telescopes, we have witnessed substantial advances in our understanding of these intriguing celestial objects in recent years. Nevertheless, plenty of mysteries still remain to keep our hands busy.

In this seminar, I will introduce how I and my team have been using state-of-the-art numerical methods to study the different aspects of SNRs. In particular, I will demonstrate how our results can be used to confront current and future observational data, such as the high-resolution spectroscopy by the next-generation X-ray space telescope ASTRO-H to be launched in a couple of months. On top of that, we can probe into the puzzling nature of supernova explosions and their progenitor stars through studying SNRs thanks to their long lifetimes and considerable sizes on the sky in comparison to point-like and transient supernova events. I will present a long-term effort that we have initiated recently on linking current supernova simulations with SNR models to understand the last stages of evolution for massive stars.
時間:2016.01.13(三) 09:30
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓 522室
講者:Dr. Herman LEE 李兆衡 博士 (Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences, JAXA)


【圖片】Artist’s rendition of a supernova explosion.


iheby 發表於 2015-12-31 14:49:51

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-2-25 14:58 編輯

iheby 發表於 2015-12-29 17:36
超新星殘餘面面觀並與原星體及超新星爆炸性質之關聯 @香港大學物理系

銀河系巨型氣泡、暗物質及未來伽馬射線太空望遠鏡 @香港大學物理學系


Seminar: Gigantic Bubbles, Dark Matter, and Future Space Gamma-ray Telescopes
Space gamma-ray astronomy was born at MIT more than half century ago. A few gamma-ray satellites operated since then, in particular the most recent Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, have proved the great potential of studying astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics through the gamma-ray sky. While searching for potential gamma-ray signal of dark matter particle toward the Galactic Center, we discovered a pair of gigantic bubbles in the Milky Way, probably associated with past activities of the central supermassive black hole. Indirect search of dark matter particles with gamma-ray and cosmic-ray observations have further motivated a few future space telescopes, including DAMPE, HERD, and PANGU. Together with the next generation of ground-based Cherenkov telescopes e.g. CTA and LHAASO, we will be able to measure gamma-ray photons/cosmic rays with energies across nine decades of energies from MeV to above PeV with much improved sensitivity. Finally, I hope to briefly introduce recent effort to search for primordial gravitational waves produced from cosmic inflation by observing the Cosmic Microwave Background from both space and ground.
時間:2016.01.13(三) 17:00
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓 522室
講者:Dr. Meng SU 苏萌 博士 (Joint MIT Pappalardo / NASA Einstein Fellow, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 


【圖片】Fermi Bubbles

【正誤】2016.01.13之《超新星殘餘面面觀並與原星體及超新星爆炸性質之關聯》被置於2016.01.08 及其內容未更新

iheby 發表於 2016-1-4 14:03:35

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-1-8 06:15 編輯

{FB} 天文班 - 2016天象介紹 @理工大學天文學會


時間:2016.01.05(二) 19:00
地點:香港理工大學 FJ303


iheby 發表於 2016-1-4 14:23:30

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-1-9 20:54 編輯

造出個星球(重播) @TVB


Richard Hammond Builds a Planet 

時間:2016.01.09(六) 14:55 ~ 16:00
頻道:TVB 明珠台 CH084


iheby 發表於 2016-1-4 14:34:35

本文章最後由 iheby 於 2016-1-9 07:57 編輯

細說科幻史 - 宇宙探險 @TVB


The Real History of Science Fiction - Space 
首集的主題是「宇宙探險」,從「科幻小說之父」著名法國作家Jules Verne筆下飛越外太空的故事,以至近月強勢回歸、堪稱影壇經典的《星球大戰》系列和科幻片鉅作《阿凡達》,節目都會為你一一詳細解說。在《星空奇遇記》飾演星際艦隊中校Lt. Uhura的Nichelle Nichols更會現身,與觀眾分享她參加美國太空總署(NASA)太空人招募時的體驗。


[*]2016.01.08(五) 21:30 ~ 22:30
[*]2016.01.09(六) 02:50 ~ 03:40 (重播)
頻道:TVB 明珠台 CH084
頁: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
查看完整版本: 收‧雜‧呈‧報 2016