C.L.Chan 發表於 2022-7-14 10:01:07


本帖最後由 C.L.Chan 於 2022-7-14 14:10 編輯

今年的超級滿月, 即月球運行到其軌道的近地點附近, 這時看到的月亮, 比其他月份所見的滿月為大.準時拍得 (2022 07 14 02:38), 但月球北極仍見環形坑及黑影. 雖然太陽球及月球在這時是排成一直線, 但月球因緯度天平動, 剛剛走到南邊的軌道上, 地球在上往下看月球, 便見此現象. 圖1為陽光下的月亮. 圖2是用軟件增強相片的飽和度, 用以增強月面的不同成份的礦物分佈.The Super Full Moon, HKT: 2022/07/14, 02h38m, Telescope:Astro Physics, Star 12 ED, D=12cm, F.L.=102cm, Prime Focus, Losmandy G-11Equatorial Mount with motor drive. Canon EOS 300D camera, ISO 100, 1/320 sec exposure. jpg Format. Atmospheric Transparent: 8/10,Seeing: 8/10.Stack 11 frames out of 17and Wavelet processed and RGB adjustment by Registax v.6, Final touch byMicro-Soft Photo. Saturation Emhensement 50% x 3 by free GIMP software. Equipmentborrowed from Mr. Ng. Taken at Kennedy Town堅尼地城, Hong Kong.
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