C.L.Chan 發表於 2022-7-11 10:05:52


“氣泡與裂紋” 最上邊是月球北極山區, 它下邊是冷海, 中央橫陳的是阿爾卑斯山脈, 其上有個101km直徑的大墨硯柏拉圖, 及古銅劍的爾卑斯大狹谷. 一文一武守在北山. 今夜大氣層的視寧度雖然不佳, 仍見硯中的小氣泡及古劍上的裂紋. 柏拉圖下面是雨海, 海中不健康的” 月球人”, 原來是Mons Pico (畢小山),是個長 25km, 闊 15 km, 高2.5km的雨海中一個孤島的向陽面的強光構成..Plato & AlpesValley, UT 2022 07 10,13h13m, TelescopeTEC Maksutov-Cassegrain MC200/20, D=20cm, Effective Focal Length= 4 meter,Losmandy G-11 Equatorial Mount with motor drive. Camera QHY 5III 224 Color Cam,Capture with FireCapture, Shoot at Gamma=100, Gain=12, Expo= 4.9 ms/frame, 29f/s, avi format, stack and process 25% best frames in 1797 frames by freeSoftware AutoStakkert 3, wavelet with RegiStax V.6, iL=2, L1=19. Final touch byMicrosoft Photo software. Atmospheric condition: Transparent: 8/10, Seeing:7/10. Equipment borrowed from Mr. Ng. The photo was taken at Kennedy Town 堅尼地城,Hong Kong.
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