Wales 發表於 2008-5-29 20:21:34

Books for theoretical astronomy

Dear all,

I am a secondary science student and I am interested in throretical astronomy. For example, I think the formation of stars, astrophysics and planets interesting. I would like to know more about it and explore the universe. However, I realized it is uneasy to search some books about these topics as astronomy (also physics) are not so popular in HK. There ia a few Chinese author writing these kinds of books. Would you like to inteoduce some to me (Chinese and English are both okay)? Thank you.


mca 發表於 2008-5-30 00:28:51


I would suggest these books in increasing level of eduction:

1.   恆星 The Stars (中文繁體字) 香港太空館
   140 pagessecondary school level。

2.   UNIVERSE 6th edition, Kaufgmann & Freedman,
      800+ pagesuniversity year 1 level
      A textbook highly recommended for students preparing to take formal education in astronomy. The contents are good balance between physical description and mathematics. Each chapter has ample homework exercises which require math to solve. All questions in math come with numerical answers.
3.   ASTRONOMY by Stacey Palen, Schaum’s Outlines Series

230 pages, Form 5 level, 300+ Q&A in astronomy, 2/3 of them are math involved, all Q have given answers. If you have got #2, probably you don’t need this although it is also a concise book.

4.   ASTRONOMY TODAY by Chaisson / McMillan
      This book is descriptive more than mathematical. OK for general education.

5.   Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy
   A must tool-book

Above is good enough for you to begin with. But if wish to glimpse into the books for astrophysics and planetary sciences, see following list. They requires advanced physics/math level plus prerequisite book knowledge in astronomy, e.g. after full-learning from book #2.

6.   Modern Astrophysics by Carroll & Ostile

7. Solar System Dynamics

8. Planetary Science by Cole & Woolfson

9. Planetary Sciences by Pater & Lissauer


mca 發表於 2008-5-30 01:52:14

If you think “textbooks” are too formal and wish to read “public science” (科普書) in a leisure manner, here are some good ones:

Nature of the universe (by HKU / HK space Museum)


mca 發表於 2008-5-30 02:16:23


大眾天文學 2003年版 (法文原著),分上下冊合共 930+ 頁

天文學教程第二版,分上下冊合共 800+ 頁

Astrosing 發表於 2008-5-30 13:39:06

Dear Wales,

How are you? May I know whether you like to read "Simplified Chinese Book" or not? If the answer is yes, I can tell you more about that.


Wales 發表於 2008-5-30 21:47:39

Dear Alan,

Thank's for your suggestions. All the books seem interesting and I am choosing some to read after exam.


Wales 發表於 2008-5-30 21:50:35

Dear Sing,

I also read Simplified Chinese Book. So, if you have any suggestions, you can tell me. Lets tell me more about it, thank you.


Astrosing 發表於 2008-5-31 10:55:12



1. 現代天文學十五講 作者: 吴鑫基,温学诗 著
出 版 社: 北京大学出版社
出版时间: 2005-1-1 定價:人民幣:37元

2. 物理天文學前沿 作者 : (英)霍伊爾
頁數 : 551
開本 : 大32開
封面形式 : 簡裝本
出版社 : 湖南科學技術出版社
出版日期 : 2005-2-1定價:人民幣:30元

3. 简明天文学教程(第二版)(附光盘)/21世纪高等院校教材
作  者: 余明 主编
出 版 社: 科学出版社
出版时间: 2007-2-1 定價:¥37

4. 基础天文学 附盘
作者:刘学富 (教授) 主编
出版日期: 版次:

5. 普通天文学
作者: 胡中为 编著
出 版 社: 南京大学出版社
出版时间: 2003-11-1 定價:¥68

Wales, 還有很多,不能盡錄.請見諒.希望你有用吧.本會也有很多中文書,全都是同好和前輩們留下的,很有觀看價值.有時間再聊吧,再見


Wales 發表於 2008-10-13 20:24:49


Astrosing 發表於 2008-10-14 23:09:52

Dear Wales,

基本上以上大部份的書都可以在會找到,另外會有很多繁體字的天文書可供選擇.我也不是全都清楚.最好下星期一你可以在我們集會前到來看看.好嗎?晚上6時45分吧. :)

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