C.L.Chan 發表於 2018-3-26 14:58:12


在月球中央線的南部山區和雲海旁有一道大斜坡 , 名為直壁 .
Rupes Recta, 2018/03/25 HKT: 23h30m. telescope : TEC Maksutov-Cassegrain MC200/20, D=20cm, F.L.=400cm, Prime Focus, Losmandy G-11 Equatorial Mount with motor drive. Camera ASI 120MC CMOS Web Cam, Shoot at 20 frames/sec, stack and process 254 in 810 frames with Software RegiStax V5 . Post process with Microsoft Photo software. Atmospheric Transparent : 8/10, Seeing : 5/10. Equipment borrowed from Mr.Ng. Taken at Kennedy Town 堅尼地城, Hong Kong.
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